the region marked by an electorate of the right, particularly in Nice and Toulon.

face it, the current president of the region, Renaud Muselier, has not yet announced his candidacy for his own succession. The chief (LR) of the regional executive, has also indicated that he refused any alliance before the first round. If it does not “underestimate anyone,” Renaud Muselier had “other problems”. “My only goal, it is the action during this health crisis. I am here for me to apply, be in action, not to make mistakes, not to be in the countryside”, a-t-il expressed in the columns of Provence, this Friday, February 19. This response is the sequel to the outstretched hand of LREM, poorly sited in the region, and stiffly beaten in the last municipal elections. In an interview with the Figaro, Christophe Castaner has made a call to Renaud Muselier, to form an alliance in the first round in order to fight the same opponent”, in this case, the far-right party.

after Sophie Cluzel, a former activist associative in the disability, the challenge is not to conduct the campaign as a candidate, but to bring together local actors, while on the side of the national Rally (RN), the european mp Thierry Mariani could soon formalize his candidacy. “At this stage, first of all I am in dialogue with all the talents, be they political, economic or community, that want to contribute to stimulate a new dynamic for our Region,” she expressed in the columns of The Provence. If the polls are to be believed, including a survey of Ifop published last December, the list of Thierry Mariani would be credited to 30% of voting intentions in the first round, while Renaud Muselier would come out on top in several cases. According to The Provence, the latter refer first to unite his own camp in order to better gather together in the second round, facing the RN.

The report of the regional enacted by the Parliament

‘s news, February 17, 2021 – Originally scheduled in march, the regional elections will take place on 13 and 20 June, as confirmed by the vote of the Parliament on Tuesday in the evening. The government had chosen to postpone for three months to the election, in accordance with the recommendation of the former president of the constitutional Council, Jean-Louis Debré, due to the outbreak of Covid-19. The political consensus, either in the Senate or the national Assembly, has apparently not been hard to find. “In the Face of the crisis, the democracy makes block”, confirmed the senator LR Agnes Canayer, as cited by AFP. The text of the law of the report of the regional 2021 does not, however, specific dates, contrary to the wishes of the senators.

Marlène Schiappa is presented in front of them, to reassure them about the willingness of the government to make every effort not to cause new report, announcing that “there is no clause for automatic revoyure”. “If we had to move to new elections, which the government would not, I repeat, it would then be necessary that the Parliament may vote on a new law,” said the minister responsible for Citizenship, adding that the writ with the dates of 13 and 20 June will be “taken from the promulgation of the law”.

In addition, the text provides a report based on an “analysis of a committee of scientists,” to be delivered by the government to Parliament not later than 1 April. It will decide, at this time, on “the state of the epidemic of Covid-19, the health risks to be taken into account and the modifications necessary to the conduct of elections and election campaigns before”. Finally, the vote itself will be facilitated, in the image of what had been decided for the second round of municipal elections, with, for example, the ability for each elector having two proxies, instead of the usual one.

READ MORE read more What is the date for regional elections in 2021 ?

The regional elections will be held on Sunday 13 and June 20, 2021 . Scheduled in the month of march, the election was postponed in the light of the health crisis of Covid-19, which makes it difficult for the organization of the campaign in the beginning of the year. This report was first proposed in a bill voted on in first reading by the national Assembly on 10 February. This report was recommended by Jean-Louis Debré, commissioned by the government to assess the conditions for the organization of regional in 2021. His report had caused the emergence of this proposal. On 26 January, the senators had voted in the first reading the draft law stipulating that “the next renewal-general of the departmental councils, regional councils, the Corsican Assembly and assemblies of French Guiana and Martinique will take place in June 2021”. An amendment voted stated that the second round will be held “not later than the 20th of June”.

Some indiscretions of the halls of power and hinted that the executive wanted a report of the regional elections after the presidential election in 2022, but if Emmanuel Macron has discussed the issue with elected officials, this will not be the case. Except turnaround unlikely that the election will be well organized before the summer. “There is no project hidden from the government in respect of the calendar,” was defended in front of the senators Marlène Schiappa, minister responsible for citizenship, 26 jan