the verdict of The trial of Nicolas Sarkozy to the case of so-called “wiretapping” is made on Monday. Four years of imprisonment, two of which relief had been requested against the former president during the trial.

Contents Case “tapping” short Biography of Nicolas Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy : key dates in Citations of Nicolas Sarkozy The essential the verdict of The trial of Nicolas Sarkozy, for the case of listening, and it is made on Monday at around 13: 30. The former president of the risk of a four-year prison term, two of them suspended, according to the prosecutor’s indictments. The two other defendants in the case, the magistrate Gilbert Azibert, as well as the former lawyer of Nicolas Sarkozy, Thierry Herzog, risk the same penalties, including a ban of five years for the latter. For Nicolas Sarkozy, is the epilogue of a case which takes its origin in a supposed will of his hand, to corrupt a judge in order to obtain a non-place in another judicial proceeding, that which binds Lilianne Bettencourt. Nicolas Sarkozy would have tried, in the mid-2010s, to get the part of Gilbert Azibert confidential information concerning, and to obstruct the investigation – a cancellation of the seizure of his diaries presidential has been mentioned. In the deal, a support for a promotion prestigious of the magistrate would have been promised by the former president. The heavy sentence requested by the prosecution is based on the work of the investigators, who have put on the day of the telephone conversations between Nicolas Sarkozy and his lawyer of the time, Thierry Herzog, on the famous line informal a prepaid cell phone in the name of “Paul Bismuth”. Listening deemed “illegal” between a lawyer and his client, have pleaded by the defendants, who have denounced a “trial of intention”, or “fantasies” and who took care to remember that Gilbert Azibert had not got promotion and Nicolas Sarkozy had finally been referred to the court by the Court of cassation in the case Bygmalion. Evidence, according to the three men, their innocence. Live to Receive our alerts live !

12:20 – A verdict in the presence of Sarkozy

As the BFMTV at the time, Nicolas Sarkozy is expected in person for the advisement of his trial. The former president is expected in court in Paris on Monday at mid-day.

12:14 – Why Sarkozy is expected to avoid jail

If a sentence of imprisonment was required against Nicolas Sarkozy, there has been little chance for the former president to be jailed after the verdict, delivered on Monday in the early afternoon. The public prosecutor has requested a jail sentence, but without warrant of committal, in other words, without incarceration immediate of the accused in case of conviction.

what is the case “hacking” ?

at the End of 2013, the judges decide to put on listening to the former president of the Republic within the framework of an investigation into a possible funding of libya’s 2007 presidential campaign. Both phones are under the spotlight, but the judiciary’s easy to understand that Nicolas Sarkozy is using another line to communicate with his lawyer, Thierry Herzog. According to the wiretaps, the two men waiting feverishly an expected decision of the Court of cassation, on the agendas of the former president of the Republic seized in the framework of the Bettencourt affair. Despite a non-place is pronounced, Nicolas Sarkozy decided to maintain its appeal because it does not want to see the information contained in these diaries presidential reappear. After tapping, the former president and his lawyer would have information on the procedure of cassation during the part of a certain Gilbert Azibert. The wiretaps also put forward a “service” that would make Nicolas Sarkozy by placing the solicitor to the Council of State for Monaco. In his indictment, released in October 2017, the Parquet national financier, therefore, believes that “there is sufficient charges against Nicolas Sarkozy and Thierry Herzog for the charges of “corruption” and “bribery”.

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short Biography of Nicolas Sarkozy – a Lawyer by training, Nicolas Sarkozy was elected on 6 may 2007, the sixth President of the Fifth French Republic, with 53% of the votes cast. The election to the parliament supreme crowned, at the age of 53, a political career of over thirty years.

A young man passionate about politics

Nicolas Sarkozy, his full name Sarközy de Nagy-Bócsa, was born on 28 January 1955 in Paris. From the small Hungarian aristocracy, his father has fled the Russian occupation in 1944 to settle in France. He gets married to a Parisian law student. Surrounded by two brothers, Nicolas began his schooling with a few difficulties, and redouble his sixth. However, walking in the footsteps of his mother, he follows with success his law studies in Paris X. If it fails at the IEP of Paris because of difficulties in English, he received his DEA in 1981 and then became a lawyer at the Paris bar.

at the same time, he already has an impressive CV in politics. Entered the UDR in 1974, at 19 years old, and then adhering to the RPR since its creation in 1976, he obtained a position as city councillor in Neuilly from 1977. In 1980, her career even takes on a national scale because he is the president of the support committee of the young Jacques Chirac.

Initial success, and the first setbacks…

Nicolas Sarkozy made his arm