The vaccination schedule will change again in France in the month of February with a new collar announced this Thursday, February 4, by the government. The vaccine AstraZeneca will allow to open new appointments in the vaccination centers insured Jean Castex…

Contents vaccination Centre to Make an appointment to get a Date on his immunizations immunization Schedule Vaccination compulsory or not ? LAST MINUTE. The vaccination will accelerate again in France according to Jean Castex, who held a press conference this Thursday, February 4th. The Prime minister has announced “the opening of 1.7 million additional appointments for vaccination, with 500 000 appointment on February available from tomorrow (Friday, February 5 – editor’s NOTE)”. It has also set itself the objective of the “vaccinate all persons over 65 years of age who wish to here the month of may”. The new vaccine AstraZeneca should be added to the system, but for less than 65, years in which it is not advisable. After a delivery of 250,000 doses as soon as Friday, it will begin to be administered on Saturday, February 6, to “health care providers are at risk and under 65 years of age”. This vaccine is expected to “achieve the goal of 4 million first injections by the end of February,” assured Jean Castex. Where to get vaccinated against the Covid ? How to find a vaccination centre ?

the ministry of Health has deployed an online service on the site, allowing to quickly vaccination centre around at home. Find the device below, very easy to use : simply enter an address to find the list of locations of vaccinations closer to you. Difficulties of connection are recorded on Thursday, 14 January, on account of the number of registration requests.

How to register to get vaccinated against the Covid ?

The entries for the persons wishing to be vaccinated, subject to be eligible for the vaccination, are open. For the time being, only people over 75 years of age (long-term care facilities and off-long-term care facilities) and caregivers can use it. It is possible to make an appointment on one of three platforms that are selected by the government, centralised on the site (Doctolib, Maiia and Keldoc). It is also possible to make an appointment by phone, by calling 0 800 009 110.

people who want to get the vaccine and who are not residents of long-term care facilities – those who may benefit from a vaccination in situ – must visit the centres, which are open to a departmental scale. There will be gradually 600 centre by the end of January, has promised the minister of Health Olivier VĂ©ran, to the effect that “each municipality will not have its own centre, it would be inconsistent given the number of doses and of persons to vaccinate”.

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Numbers vaccination : the number of persons vaccinated in France and in the world

VACCINATION COVID. Find the latest info on the vaccination campaign in France, as well as the latest figures.

When making an appointment, a form will then be submitted in order to obtain checks on the patient’s profile and check if the vaccination against Covid-19 is not incompatible. Allergies, medical treatment… this is the kind of information that will be checked. This will be the last step prior to vaccination, the government has simplified the procedure by not making it mandatory consultation pre-vaccine at the doctor. It will then be necessary to wait between three and six weeks before making the trip again in a center in order to proceed to the second injection inherent in the vaccine-Covid as it exists today. Please note that for the time, and if the vaccines continue to present the same information and the same contra-indications, there will be no need to choose such or such a vaccine, they will be offered either.

When can I get vaccinated ? Estimates

vaccination in France following its course, but for many people, the wait is still before the injection. To have visibility on your eligibility for the vaccine, the site Omnicalculator has set up a simulation to obtain a date more or less accurate, depending on your age and your profile, all of this according to the schedule set up by the government. For example, for a man of 30 years without a particular health problem and who is not a professional health, vaccination will take place between late 2021 and early 2022.

Calculator Tail for the Vaccine in France Calendar : who can be vaccinated against the Covid France, and when ?

vaccination began on 27 December in France, it does not have regard to the time that the persons of legal age. France has a potential of 200 million doses, which allow you to vaccinate 100 million people, knowing that the vaccine requires two doses every few weeks. France will spend 1.5 billion euros for these vaccines, assigned to the social security budget. As a reminder, it should be that 70% of the population is vaccinated, according to the scientific journal Nature, in order to achieve herd immunity.

Schedule of vaccination Step Audience Vaccine Phase 1, until the 1st of February Are concerned at least 1 million people :
– the elderly residing in a nursing home or care units
– health professionals older than 50 years or with chronic diseases
– firefighters and aid in the home of over 50 years
– people older than 75 years of age (d&e