LAC 2021. The minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer has announced the January 21, the cancellation of the events of the specialty of the bachelor 2021 in favour of continuous assessment, taking account of the health crisis. Details.

Summary Terms and conditions of the tray 2021 Tray of French 2021 Result of the tray 2020 bac Results by city and academy success Rate at the bac 2020 Date and time of publishing Result of the tray of French Catch-up of the tray 2020

The minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer was announced on 21 January : the trials of a speciality of the tray 2021, the first events of the “new bac” originally scheduled for march 15, were eventually removed in favor of continuous monitoring. The results of these tests tell specialty account for 32% of the final grade of the tray. They will ultimately be calculated “on the basis of the average of the three quarters of a terminal of these teachings,” says a letter from the ministry accessed by The World. In other words, this is the annual average obtained for each of the subjects of specialty that will be taken into account for the review. In Parcoursup, these are therefore the averages of the first two quarters of each teaching specialty, which will replace the results of the tests of specialty.

Are kept for the month of June :

The events anticipated French The test of philosophy The great oral

amenities are to be expected for some of these tests are maintained :

In French, the oral tests may be based on fourteen texts in the first general − instead of twenty − and seven texts in the first technology − instead of twelve [written test of French is, it, unchanged]. In philosophy, students will have the choice between three subjects essay instead of two

Regarding the school holidays in February , the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer was added on the 22nd of January on RTL that at the present time, they “are intended to be scheduled in last two weeks for each of the zones and not to be changed”. He has even stated that this decision “may change according to the situation” of health. And stressed : “My goal on this point as others is to keep up the schedules so as not to not disturb the families.”

Why the government replaces-t-the trials of specialty tray originally scheduled in march by the continuous control ?

in an interview In the JDD, dated 24 January, Jean-Michel Blanquer responds : “For allow students to work longer and in the calmest way possible . Organise the tests in march seemed too uncertain, and the high school students did not have all of the same conditions of preparation, the high schools have organized the teachings with more or less of distanciel”. The minister of Education, adds : “We did not want to see these tests in the end of the year for save the month of June “.

What other announcements had been made previously on the amenities of the tray 2021 ?

Two developments in particular had already been announced by the minister of national Education :

The cancellation of the tests for assessing common Première and Terminale for the benefit of the continuous control : the three sessions, common assessments, foreseen by the reform of the tray that should come fully into force this year, have been deleted for this year. In return, the school reports of the students of the first and the terminal will be used again, as for the lac of the last year. An average of the scores will replace so the final events for the history, geography, languages and the specialty which is not continued in terminal . Add to this list of mathematics for the technological baccalaureat and science teaching for the bac general . The common assessments of first are also cancelled. The trials of the replacement of the tray 2021 will be held in the month of June for students prevented by an event of force majeure. Should we conclude that the “new bac” will be for 2022 ?

The minister of Education spoke about this in an interview with the JDD on January 24. “No, it’s from this year”, does it, “because we keep the essentials of the reform : the lessons of specialty chosen by the students. And maintained by June, the new test of great oral and of philosophy”.

How will we ensure equality of assessment between students, so that the note is based on 82% control continuous ?

“We’re going to broadcast a guide to the assessment of the continuous monitoring , as well as the review topics originally planned : the teachers can serve as models,” promised Jean-Michel Blanquer during his interview with the JDD, January 24. And to add : “And we put in place a device to harmonize the notes “.

Results of the bac 2020 are Looking for a name or city to find a result you can refer to the lists admitted to the tray 2020 and get a result using the search engine below. The success rate for the bac is exceptionally high this year, with theee to bac 2020 : 88,95% – rate of mention : 61,24% Academy Paris – success rate in the bac 2020 : 94,7% – rate of mention : 76,78% Bordeaux Academy – success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,79% – rate of mention : 65,64% Academy Nice success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,22% – rate of mention : 68,78% Academy of Rennes – success rate in the bac 2020 : 91,42% – rate of mention : 66,39% Académie de Versailles – success rate in the bac 2020 : 92,05% – rate of mention : 67,25% Academy Clermont-Ferrand – success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,5% – rate of mention : 64,02% Academy of Dijon – success rate in the bac 2020 : 92,01% – rate of mention : 64,07% Academy of Reims – the rate of success in the tray 2020 : 89,36% – rate of mention : 54,38% Academy of Grenoble – success rate in the bac 2020 : 92,91% – rate of mention : 68,35% Rouen Academy – success rate in the bac 2020 : 90,77% – rate of mention : 63,42% Academy of Caen – success rate in the bac 2020 : 92,36% – rate of mention : 63,75% Academy of Lyon – success rate in the bac 2020 : 91,72% – rate of mention : 63,71% Academy of Nantes – success rate in the bac 2020 : 94,68% – rate of mention : 69,09% of Corsican – success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,35% – rate of mention : 67,91% Academy of Orléans-Tours – success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,72% – rate of mention : 67,12% Academy of Poitiers – success rate in the bac 2020 : 93,73% – rate of mention : 66,22% Academy of Limoges – success rate in the bac 2020 : 88,65% – rate of mention : 63,33% Académie de Strasbourg – success rate in the bac 2020 : 94,04% rates mentioned : 71,12% Academy of Amiens – a success rate at the bac 2020 : 86,35% – rate of mention : 59,29% Academy Meeting – success rate in the bac 2020 : 90,75% – rate of mention : 63,6% How to see the result of the bac in French ?

contrary to the result of the bac end-terminal, the result of the events anticipated by the tray of French is not communicated over a single day in all of the academies. The results this year have begun to be published from Monday, July 6, on the websites of the academies. The schedule of publication for this year are sometimes given on the websites of the various academies. For more information on the ferry from French 2020, find on our special page devoted to the tray of French.

How to view the results of the catching-up of the tray ?

The dates and exact times of the oral catch-up have been communicated to the candidate at the place of examination, after you choose the material boards. The result of each correction is then published at the end of the day or half-day place to the test.

as a reminder, students accessing the catch-up must have a note of the ferry between 8 and 9.9. About bachelor’s degrees general and technological, the oral catch-up of the tray 2020 is taking place this Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 July (inclusive). Unlike the written tests in the bin, all will be rolled back (the same as the oral French) and replaced by a continuous control total because of the health crisis, the Covid-19, the oral catch-up has not undergone major change this year. As specified by the ministry of national Education at the end of June, this oral, however, must “adhere strictly to the health protocol in force.” It is therefore necessary that the students stand at one meter of the organizers, without that the mask is necessarily mandatory. It should be noted that the containment has also been taken into account in the choice of subjects, since the students must be questioned only on what they have seen in class. The website of the ministry says that the school leaders have a mission to provide the reviewers with a “summary sheet elements of the programs covered in the chosen discipline at the oral catch-up”.

► Check out our tips to optimize the result to the catching-up

The tray he had less value in the past year ?

According to a survey conducted by YouGov for *, 51,91% of the French believe that the bachelor of 2020 has less value than those of previous years, when 39,19% are of the contrary opinion. Here is the question that led to this result : “because of the health crisis, the Covid-19 in 2020, the testing terminal of the bachelor’s degree shall be cancelled. The bachelor’s degree as noted in the continuous control on the year of terminus. Given the circumstances and the degree of bachelor of control continuous-full, do you think that the bachelor of 2020 has less value than the previous ones ? Please select only one answer.” The detailed results are as follows :

Yes, rather (29,05%) no, not really (social welfare; ” 24.92%) Yes, completely (22,86%) no, not at all (14,27%) I don’t know (8,90%)