SCHOOL AND the CONTAINMENT. How the plan of déconfinement detailed by Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, 24 November impact-t-he schools, colleges, high schools and universities ? The recap’.

Summary School and Covid the essential The news in detail, Closure of schools ? New measures in the schools Confinement and compulsory school New health protocol Protocol, reinforced in schools hand-Washing Mask to 6 years of Aeration and ventilation Cleaning, disinfection Distance between the pupils Rules to the canteen Recreation by group Containment at school Cribs nursery School and primary College high School Universities Certificate for parents Opening of the schools expert Advice Schools closed for Covid

The schools are affected very closely by the fight against the epidemic of Covid-19 in France since last spring. Containment, closure, distanciel, classes, hybrid, or health protocol generalized… The measures are varied, and may change as a function of institutions, their size and their location. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to find. Announcing plan déconfinement progressive in three steps on the 24th of November, the president and Emmanuel Macron has also brought announcements about the education system. here they are, in their chronological order of application :

at the end of this week from 23-29 November, “150 euros will be paid” to students and young people under 25 years of age non-students concerning the housing benefit. from December 15 , the authorization of extra-curricular activities in the room to allow for the reception of the children during the Christmas holidays. A health protocol strict is provided for this purpose. A curfew is also in place from this date from 21h to 7h. from January 20 2021 (the date of entry estimated in the last step of the déconfinement), a return of all high school students in the classroom. To do this, the situation of the epidemic will need to be assessed again before this date. from early February 2021, “fifteen days” after the re-opening of all schools full time, a resumption of classes in university. To do this, the situation of the epidemic will need to be assessed again in the upstream side of the date.

as a reminder, the teaching has been maintained for all students in primary and middle school for the containment, with mask mandatory for schoolchildren from the CP.

In summary, the time of presence is 100% in the schools and colleges, and 50% minimum in the high schools (as is the case for the 9 November).

OUR PAGE SPECIAL SCHOOL, CONTAINMENT, AND COVID – the extent to which the school remains to be required for containment ? What is proof of travel to school for the journeys home-school, college, or high school ? What reinforcements are included in the new version of the health protocol ? How to apply the new measure of the mask-to-6 years in primary ? Many practical questions arise in this second period of confinement in France, which this time is accompanied by opening of the schools from kindergarten through high school (50% in some schools). check out the known answers to current issues by browsing in our special page “Covid and containment at the school” via the summary above.

The history of the news about the school in the time of a pandemic and containment, the Seizure of the justice for wearing a mask as early as 6 years old. The media coverage of the action date of November 20. A group of lawyers decided to file, on the 27th of November, a legal action before the Council of State against the compulsory wearing of the mask against the Covid-19 at the school, from the age of 6 years. According to information collected by franceinfo, these lawyers say in a press release to have been solicited by several parents of students, and talk about the mask as soon as 6 years of a measure “disproportionate,” particularly “in the light of this that the nine-month period of observation [of the pandemic of sars coronavirus] were found as to the potential role that children play in the spread of the epidemic”. They believe that “the best interest of more than 4 million children 6-11 years of age has not, at any time, been taken into consideration, and this in violation of the constitutional provisions and international”. And talking about “the suffering both psychological and physical occasioned by the wearing of the mask 8 hours a day in many children”. Counsel rely for this on findings of health professionals that they have themselves contacted : headache, complications of ENT, dermatological disorders, psychiatric disease such as anxiety or aggression… Distribution of 500 000 transparent masks to kindergartens and Houses of wizards maternal. In a press release of 17 November, the CNAF (national family allowances Fund) announced the funding, “as” exceptional”, three transparent masks by professional in the crèches, micro-crèches and homes of wizards maternal. The secretary of State to the minister of solidarity and of health, in charge of the children and families Adrien Cleat specified in the trodden