CARD CORONAVIRUS. The decline of the epidemic of Covid in France is visible on our maps of follow-up. On Monday 30 November, the incidence rate drops below 100 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in three-quarters of the departments. See all the updated figures on Monday, 30 November 2020…

Summary Maps of France Covid Map of the Covid by department Map of the Covid by a common Map of the Covid by city (cities) Flags Covid by department Indicators Covid by city Maps of the case of coronavirus in France Maps of hospitalizations for Covid Cards of death and the healing

The epidemic of coronavirus continues its fall in France, while the vise of the containment is a little loose this weekend. On Monday 30 November 2020, for the first time since mid-September, the incidence rate average drops below 100 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in the countries (to 97.5 in the final score). Nearly three-quarters of the departments are now below the national average. Only four departments (Haute-Savoie, Lozere, the Ardennes, and Yonne) are at the top of the 200 cases per 100 000 inhabitants.

Our map of France on the Covid now reflect a significant decline. If the 100 French departments are always classified as “high vulnerability” by public Health, France (dark blue below), the decrease of the incidence rate is accompanied by a pressure of less strong in the hospital, even if it is still significant. The number of daily deaths remains high. One regrets, on Monday evening 27 more dead in the North, 21 in the Val-de-Marne, 16 in the department of Isère, 15 in the Rhône or in Paris, 13 in france, 11 in Saône-et-Loire, or even 10 people dead in the Puy-de-Dome.

Maps of the coronavirus in France

Since mid-September, we update daily multiple cards of the synthesis of the Covid-19 in France, bringing together some of the key indicators, department by department, but also city by city. These maps of Covid include the latest available figures for hospital admissions, cases in resuscitation, the death, the healings, but also the key indicators that are the rate of positivity of the tests, the incidence rate, the R establishment of, or the rate of occupation of beds in the icu.

The executive has presented in September a map of France based on areas of alert “strengthened”, or “maximum” (red), replaced in mid-October by a map of the departments subject to the curfew, when the state of health emergency was finally declared on the whole country. This classification is no longer necessary since the entry into force of containment on the 29th of October. We post so as soon at below a single card with a slicing departmental, based on the different degrees of “vulnerability” for each department (“vulnerability is limited,” “moderate” or “high”). To understand colors and figures, read the details below.

Map of the Covid by department (vulnerability, limited, moderate, high) This map of France coronavirus is the result of a classification developed and updated daily by public Health, France with regional Agencies of Health “from all of the indicators products and reports received, including investigations of clusters”. This analysis is contextualized everyday risk” translates to “at the time the viral traffic and the impact on the health of the population of the department”. The departments are ranked according to three levels of vulnerability : “limited” where the risks are less high, “” moderate ” and finally “high” for the departments most affected. This classification should not be confused with the old card alert and curfew established in September and October by the government. If the card is not displayed, click here
or are looking for a department Card, the Covid by common Since mid-October, public Health France communicates the incidence data (number of cases per 100 000 inhabitants) at the municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10 , 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100 000 inhabitants). The data are expressed on a week slippery, which means that they are calculated on a day J from the tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. Click on a department to find a common. Click on a department to see the list of its cities. Coronavirus Ain Coronavirus Aisne Coronavirus Combine Coronavirus Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Coronavirus Hautes-Alpes Coronavirus Alpes-Maritimes Coronavirus Ardèche Coronavirus Ardennes Coronavirus Ariège Coronavirus Dawn Coronavirus Aude Coronavirus Aveyron Coronavirus Bouches-du-Rhone Coronavirus Calvados Coronavirus Cantal Coronavirus Charente Coronavirus Charente-Maritime Coronavirus Expensive Coronavirus Corrèze Coronavirus Cote-d’or Coronavirus Cotes-d’armor Coronavirus Hollow Coronavirus Dordogne Coronavirus Doubs Coronavirus Drome Coronavirus Eure Coronavirus Eure-et-Loir Coronavirus Finistère Coronavirus Corse-du-Sud Coronavirus Haute-Corse Coronavirus Gard Coronavirus Upper Garonne Coronavirus Gers Coronavirus Gironde Coronavirus Hérault Coronavirus Ille-et-Vilaine Coronavirus Indre Coronavirus Indre-et-Loire Coronavirus Isère Coronavirus Jura Coronavirus Landes Coronavirus Loir-et-Cher Coronavirus Loire Coronavirus Haute-Loire Coronavirus Loire-Atlantique Coronavirus Loiret Coronavirus Batch Coronavirus, Lot-et-Garonne Coronavirus Lozère Coronavirus Maine-et-Loire Coronavirus Sleeve Coronavirus Marne Coronavirrôme Essonne Eure Eure-et-Loir, Finistere, Gard, Gers Gironde Guadeloupe Guyane Haut-Rhin Haute-Corse Haute-Garonne Haute-Loire Haute-Marne Haute-Saône Haute-Savoie Haute-Vienne Hautes-Alpes Hautes-Pyrenees, Hauts-de-Seine, Herault Ille-et-Vilaine Indre Indre-et-Loire, Isere, Jura The Meeting, Landes, Loir-et-Cher Loire Loire Atlantique Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne, Lozère, Maine-et-Loire Manche Marne Martinique Mayenne Mayotte Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Morbihan Moselle Nièvre Nord Oise Orne Paris Pas de Calais Puy-de-Dome Pyrenees-Atlantiques Pyrenees-Orientales Rhône Saône-et-Loire, Sarthe, Savoie, Seine-et-Marne Seine-Maritime Seine-St-Denis, Somme Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne, Territoire de Belfort, Val-D’oise Val-de-Marne Var Vaucluse Vendée Vienne Vosges Yonne Yvelines to Find a city Click on a city to view the figures Bordeaux Brest Clermont-Ferrand Dijon Grenoble Lille Lyon Marseille Metz Montpellier Nancy Nantes Nice Orléans Paris Rennes Rouen Saint Etienne Strasbourg Toulon Toulouse Tours Coronavirus Ain (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 382 (+15) Patients in the intensive care unit : 24 (+1) Total deaths : 298 (+5) Outputs of the hospital : 1204 (+11) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 17.7 percent (0.1 percentage points) incidence Rate : 157,2 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-11,9 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,52 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 117,00% Coronavirus Aisne (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 218 (+20) Patients in resuscitation : 22 (stable) Total deaths : 393 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 1668 (+4) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 11.5 per cent (0.1 percentage points) incidence Rates : 112,5 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-6,7 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,58 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 87,40% Coronavirus Combine (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 210 (+4) Patients in the intensive care unit : 21 (+1) Total deaths : 216 (+5) Outputs of the hospital : 759 (+9) On November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : to 13.7% (0.3 points) incidence Rate : 152,1 cases/100 000 inhabitants (2.1 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,52 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 117,00% Coronavirus Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 144 (+5) Patients in the intensive care unit : 6 (stable) Total deaths : 63 (+1) Outputs of the hospital : 411 (+13) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : up 14.8% (+0.8 points) incidence Rate : 110,8 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-7,9 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,56 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : at 86.50% Coronavirus Alpes-Maritimes (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 472 (+24) Patients in the icu : 60 (+2) Total deaths : 418 (+5) Outputs of the hospital : 2013 (+14) On November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test is 11.5% (0 points) incidence Rate : 107,7 cases/100 000 inhabitants (3.5 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,56 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : at 86.50% Coronavirus Ardèche (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 216 (+12) Patients in the intensive care unit : 18 (+2) Total deaths : 253 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 880 (+9) On November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : to 15.1% (+0.9 percentage point) Rate of incidence : 121,8 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-6,1 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,52 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 117,00% Coronavirus Ardennes (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 165 (+11) Patients in the intensive care unit : 14 (stable) Total deaths : 140 (+2) Outputs of the hospital : 408 (+2) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 16.4 per cent (0.1 percentage points) incidence Rate : 209,0 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-5,3 percentage points) regional Data : R staff (November 24, 2020) : At 0.65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Ariège (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 42 (stable) Patients in the intensive care unit : 4 (stable) Total deaths : 20 (+2) Outputs of the hospital : 111 (stable) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 8,2% (+0,1 percentage points) incidence Rate : up 58.4 cases/100,000 inhabitants (stable) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,51 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 62,20% Coronavirus Dawn (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 145 (+12) Patients in the intensive care unit : 21 (+2) Total deaths : 216 (+4) Outputs of the hospital : 930 (+20) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 10,6% (-1 percentage points) incidence Rate : 122,0 cases/100 000 inhabitants (ð15.2 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Aude (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 77 (+2) Patients in the intensive care unit : 8 (stable) Total deaths : 111 (+2) Outputs of the hospital : 442 (+2) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 6.3 per cent (0.3 points) incidence Rate : 48,0 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-4,3 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,51 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 62,20% Coronavirus Aveyron (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 97 (+3) Patients in the intensive care unit : 9 (stable) Total of deaths : 105 (+1) Outputs of the hospital : 389 (+4) On November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 11,6% (+0.8 points) Rate ofal deaths : 35 (+1) Outputs of the hospital : 132 (stable) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : to 24.0% (+1.2 percentage points) incidence Rate : to 212.4 cases per 100 000 inhabitants (-24,9 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,51 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 62,20% Coronavirus Maine-et-Loire (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 231 (+8) Patients in the intensive care unit : 44 (+1) Total deaths : 299 (+4) Outputs of the hospital : 1383 (+4) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 9,3% (0 points) incidence Rate : 75,7 cases/100 000 inhabitants (2.3 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,54 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 61,90% Coronavirus Handle (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 147 (+6) Patients in intensive care : 14 (+1) Total deaths : 113 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 425 (+3) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 7,0% (-0,8 percentage points) incidence Rate : 56,0 cases/100 000 inhabitants (8.6 points) regional Data : R staff (November 24, 2020) : 0,64 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 47,50% Coronavirus Marne (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Admissions : 221 (+3) Patients in the intensive care unit : 39 (+1) Total deaths : 370 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 1546 (+8) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 7,9% (- 0.3 points) incidence Rate : 67,6 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-6 points) Regional data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Martinique (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 35 (+2) Patients in the intensive care unit : 10 (stable) Total deaths : 41 (stable) Outputs of the hospital : 336 (stable) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : to 5.0% (by 0.6 points) incidence Rate : The 29.0 cases/100,000 inhabitants (-4,5 percentage points) regional Data : R staff (November 24, 2020) : – occupancy Rate in csr (November 30, 2020) : -% Coronavirus Mayenne (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 107 (+1) Patients in the intensive care unit : 9 (stable) Total deaths : 103 (stable) Outputs of the hospital : 496 (+3) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 10,2% (-0,2 percentage points) incidence Rate : 90,1 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-8,2 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,54 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 61,90% Coronavirus Mayotte (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 10 (+2) Patients in the intensive care unit : 2 (stable) Total deaths : 35 (stable) Outputs of the hospital : 513 (+1) On November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 9.4 per cent (0.4 percentage points) incidence Rate : 38,6 cases/100 000 inhabitants (3.6 points) regional Data : R staff (November 24, 2020) : – occupancy Rate in csr (November 30, 2020) : -% Coronavirus Meurthe-et-Moselle (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 357 (+9) Patients in the intensive care unit : 45 (steady) Total of deaths : 506 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 1895 (+4) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 11.3 per cent (+0.2 percentage points) incidence Rate : 122,1 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-2,9 percentage points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Meuse (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 66 (+6) Patients in the intensive care unit : 9 (stable) Total deaths : 141 (+3) Outputs of the hospital : 661 (+1) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 12.9 per cent (0.1 percentage points) incidence Rate : 147,0 cases/100 000 inhabitants (2.2 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Morbihan (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 153 (+5) Patients in the intensive care unit : 14 (stable) Total deaths : 173 (+2) Outputs of the hospital : 802 (+1) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 5,9% (-0,6 percentage points) incidence Rate : of 42.1 cases/100,000 inhabitants (down 7.4 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,51 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 46,90% Coronavirus Moselle (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 492 (+39) Patients in the intensive care unit : 62 (+5) Total deaths : 1113 (+13) Outputs of the hospital : 3484 (+30) November 27, 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : a 13.2% (0.1 percentage points) incidence Rate : 147,4 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-6,3 percentage points) regional Data : R staff (November 24, 2020) : At 0.65 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 67,50% Coronavirus Nièvre (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 96 (+7) Patients in the intensive care unit : 9 (stable) Total deaths : 72 (+2) Outputs of the hospital : 257 (+3) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : 10.7 percent (+1.7 points) incidence Rate : 106,2 cases/100 000 inhabitants (+6.5 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,61 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 116,20% Coronavirus North (Department high vulnerability) November 30, 2020 : Hospitalizations : 1392 (+60) Patients in the intensive care unit : 201 (+21) Total deaths : 1553 (+27) Outputs of the hospital : 6729 (+46) On 27 November 2020 : Rate of positivity of the test : the 12.4% (0.3 points) incidence Rate : 124,8 cases/100 000 inhabitants (-9,6 points) regional Data : R effective (24th November 2020) : 0,58 occupancy Rate csr (November 30, 2020) : 87,40% Coronavirus Oise (Department vulnerability