SYMPTOMS CORONAVIRUS. The signs of the Covid and those of the flu or a simple cold look. So what are and how to detect the symptoms ? What to do if you have the Covid ? Our replies.

Summary the First symptoms of Covid-19 Cold or Covid-19 Fever and body aches dry, hacking Cough Anosmia and loss of taste Shortness of breath, Hiccups and Covid Diarrhoea and vomiting skin Problems Symptoms aggravating The renal damage, neurological disorders, hair Loss New symptoms of the Covid Symptoms in infants and children Differences in men / women Duration of symptoms of the Covid persistent Symptoms of Covid Aftermath of the coronavirus What to do in case of symptoms how and When to test

[Updated on September 28, 2020 17: 31] The sweaters and jackets warm are out ? The runny nose ? Sneezing appear with a slight hint of fatigue ? No doubt, autumn is here and the traditional diseases of this period are also. But in this period of a pandemic, everything, or almost, you will think of a possible infection Covid-19. In case of any symptoms, be aware that it is necessary to immediately go and get tested and isolated for a period of 7 days. However, it is extremely difficult to detect the signs. Having a runny nose does not, for example, is not a symptom of the Covid, but more the sign of a heavy cold, on the other hand, a dry cough, a wave of fatigue resulting from the high fever (+38,5) may mean that you have the coronavirus. This is not a certainty because these evils are also similar to a very bad case of the flu. Christophe Paid, virologist at the university hospital of Brest, on being questioned by the Atlantico, only the test can rule out infection at Covid with the rest. “You can’t distinguish a Covid-19 of the simple cough of a common cold. There is only one way to distinguish it is the test Covid that we have done to the hospital for patients with more serious prior to the test Rhino. When the test is negative, it is the research of rhinovirus common in this autumn period, which lasts until the winter. For a physician, the distinction is difficult if there are no other associated symptoms.”

this is why you must be very careful about the loss of appetite, taste and smell, which are elements specific to the sars coronavirus. Several studies indicate that anosmia would be a good signal to tell you that your coronavirus will not be “severe” even if the symptom is it takes a long time to disappear.

learn All about the symptoms of the Covid-19 See folder

Covid-19 : how to detect it and what to do about a sick house ?

What are the first symptoms related to the coronavirus ?

According to the ministry of Solidarity and Health, the period of incubation of the Covid-19 is three to five days in general, however, it may go up to fourteen days. It is the period of time between contamination and the appearance of the first symptoms. But what are they exactly ? A person infected with the virus may suffer from a dry cough, fever, and fatigue at the beginning. These symptoms make their appearance gradually in some individuals, having a cough innocuous at first. Other people do not suffer from these signs while they are still contaminated. We speak of a ” sick “asymptomatic”, which makes the detection of the disease much more difficult.

researchers from the University of Southern California have published a study on Frontiers in Public Health, on the appearance of the first symptoms of the Covid-19. They seem to occur in a given order :

Fever > 38.5°C for two or three days, Cough, muscle Pain, Nausea, Diarrhoea

scientists have compared this analysis to the flu. For the latter, it is the cough that occurs in the first, unlike the Covid-19 which would cause first a high fever. The collection of information took place in February in China, at a time when the country was most affected by the disease in the world. 55 000 confirmed cases have been used in the preparation of this study.

How to differentiate a cold Covid-19 ?

When we get up in the morning and that we face a series of sneezing or that it was just the runny nose, we can very quickly associate these symptoms with the coronavirus, and not a simple cold. However, a very important element you should be able to distinguish between the two and you avoid going to the doctor : the fever. The Covid-19, unless you are an asymptomatic case, must cause input a large fever greater than 38°. Although the common cold can bring on a slight fever, most of the time you should not have this symptom but just a slight fatigue, which should not disturb your daily activities. The common cold can or should also lead to a sore throat, sneezing, a stuffy and/or runny nose, symptoms must occur more slowly than for the Covid, which makes them appear in a brutal way. Also note that sneezing is not a symptom proved to be the coronavirus or even a runny nose.

The fever and body aches are symptoms of the coronavirus ?

As for the seasonal flu, the fever and the body aches are symptoms that are very common Covid-19. The level of fever is variable from one individual to another, but generally the coronavirus causes a fever higher than 38°. If you want to fight the fever or the pain-prefer paracetamol to anti-infla