s high of the European Union over the past two weeks. Since Friday 4 September at 16h, the whole country is spent in the red zone, which means that all non-essential travel, including tourist, are no longer allowed. This prohibition is less strict than in the town of Santona. Town of 11 000 inhabitants, the latter will be given in the quarantine according to the daily El Pais. Nobody can enter or leave the town for fourteen days, because of the increase in the number of cases. 526 infected have been identified for 100 000 inhabitants, compared with 193 per 100 000 in average in the rest of Cantabria. Gatherings of more than ten persons are also prohibited.

A clinical trial for a future vaccine has been conducted and involves 200 volunteers Spanish on the 750 participating in Europe. “This is a research that is done at european level. Spain is participating to be sure to have access to a future vaccine,” stressed the minister of Health Salvador Illa at a press briefing. The government had also announced Thursday, August 27, the obligation of wearing a mask to school from the age of six years. The concern about the emergence of a second wave climbs in the country despite the succession of new restrictions which, for the first time in the world : it is now forbidden to smoke in the streets and on the cafĂ© terraces in the province of Galicia and in the Canary islands archipelago. This applies if social distancing is not possible, respecting a safety distance of at least two metres.

Coronavirus in Italy

The regional elections took place on Sunday 20 September in Italy. 30% of voters have to travel to go and vote. Monday, 14 September, it’s back to school for almost eight million Italians. It’s been six months that schools have been closed in the country. The government has promised to provide 170 000 litres of disinfectant solution to the schools during each week. Students and staff will also have access to eleven million masks free to the daily. Individual offices will also be installed , at a distance of one metre from each other, according to the minister of Education Lucia Azzolina. They will not all be delivered at the same time in the country.

the average age of The people affected by the Covid-19 is lowered to 32 years in Italy. Health authorities highlight the release of the gestures barriers, but also the meetings between the young people during the summer holidays. The Italian company Costa Cruises has returned to sea on Sunday 6 September, after five months of break due to the virus. The cruises are for time only reserved for Italians. The Costa Delicioza vogue on the waves for seven days, from the Adriatic sea to the Mediterranean, and only stops in Italian ports. A new political figure has been affected by the Covid-19. The former head of the Italian government Silvio Berlusconi, aged 83 years, is asymptomatic, according to his doctor. Its contamination has been revealed in the Italian media on Wednesday 2 September.

Italy is also undergoing a new wave of coronavirus, especially in Sardinia, this area is very crowded during the summer. The authorities have sounded the alarm. After prolonged Wednesday, July 29, the state of emergency in force until October 15, they have taken new measures, reflecting the closure of open-air discos. The ministry of Health has also announced the obligation of wearing a mask for all from Monday, August 17, in the evening between 18h and 6h in all the public places where can be trained in groups.

Coronavirus in Portugal

At the start of the school year, scheduled between Monday 14 and Wednesday 16 September, the gatherings have gone from twenty to ten in the country. This measure was already applied to Lisbon and its periphery since the end of the month of June. Tuesday, September 1, the government has launched its application for tracing the Covid-19, to find out whether it has crossed recently to be a positive person the virus for more than fifteen minutes. Called “stayaway covid”, it is “a valuable aid” to the health authorities according to the minister of Health Marta Temido. This has the objective to better prepare for the reentry of the public schools, which will take place on 14 September in Portugal.

The measures of restrictions on movement in some districts of Lisbon and its periphery have been maintained up to the end of the month of August, had announced that Thursday, August 13, the authorities. The appearance of foci of infections in Lisbon at the beginning of the summer had led to the emergence of new health measures. In the districts concerned, the local can not get out of their homes to purchase food or medicine. Gatherings of more than five people are prohibited. The capital region accounts for more than half of the cases discovered in Portugal.

Since 1 July, Portugal is split into three areas. In the one where the rules are less strict, wearing a mask is still required in the transport and places closed, but the gatherings are allowed for up to twenty people. In the second area, which relates to Lisbon and its environs, we are talking about a state of “contingency”. The collections are limited to ten people, and the shops close as early as 20h, with the exception of restaurants. Finally, in the third area relates to the quar