RENAUD. On Wednesday evening, Renaud has unveiled the clip of a song surprise, “Corona Song”, in which he speaks of the Covid-19, and supported professor Raoult. It would herald a 18th album.

Summary Renaud sings the coronavirus is The 17th album of Renaud Renaud healthy Renaud, a 50-year career The women in the life of Renaud Renaud faced with the death of his brother,

[updated on 09 July 2020 at 14h34] “For all the peeps who have suffered from this damn virus, for all the caregivers.” It is with this message that Renaud has released a new song, surprise, Wednesday 08 July 2020, called the Corona Song and online with sound clip. As its name indicates, the title refers to the current crisis of the Covid-19, with several messages : against Donald Trump or the “asshole” virus, but also in support of the controversial professor Raoult. “When I think of the brave Dr. Raoult / Conchié by colleagues jealous / By pontes, luminaries / That have the balls to lose the wheat”, chante-t-il in a trembling voice.

But Renaud has him, don’t be afraid of the virus : “I, I men crazy I’m immune, I have antibodies by the thousands. I also have anti-cons. Should be said that in France they are legion.” In the clip, we discover the face half covered by his famous red scarf, transformed into a mask. Jacket without sleeve, leather, Renaud appears in a garden near L’isle-sur-la-Sorgue, in the Vaucluse, where he lives, accompanied by two guitarists, a bassist and a backing singer, also hidden.

On the social networks, the comments are not made to wait. Users, disconcerted by this Corona Song, criticize and sometimes the positions of the singer in favor of professor Raoult, sometimes the words of the titles, that were deemed “too poor” in comparison to the work of the interpreter of Mistral Winner, for his port of the rough mask, or to the choice of appear as well, voice and trembling hands, worn by years of excess. Finally, accusing him of racism when he sings China, “a country where we’re eating dog, bats, the pangolin.” And according to his friend Thierry Geoffroy, producer of his last album, this song would announce a new album, the 18th of Renaud. “He said to everyone that he is going to do an album. In general he knows. It works like that, Renaud. You never know with him. It was all in the head, he does not speak (…), but with everything spinning in his head constantly. And then all of a sudden, he is going to write a text, and then another, and then another”, he explained to BFMTV.

Renaud sings the coronavirus

Renaud has surprised everyone by putting them online, Wednesday, July 8, a song about the coronavirus and the crisis that the epidemic has generated. This title surprise on the Covid-19, it was his friend Thierry Geoffroy, who has written and composed. “It’s funny, non ? We did this in ten days. Renaud has written this text to the output of the confinement has been harsh. Forbidden to leave, for him, it is hard. He is well annoyed at the Isle, even if we saw each other when even paying attention. I composed the music, recorded the song with friends. Renaud wanted to swing it like that but he was told that it would be better with a visual. We got the movie clip to family, home and with Carole, a friend who plays in a dress of cow-boy in the video. My son also was there and as he is the director of production, he used his knowledge to mount images. All of this is the improv. And it was really fun,” says the Parisian.

so far, for the past several months and the arrival of the Covid-19 in France, it was held away from the media. And social networks, where the singer had nothing published since the release of his latest hit album, kids and children first, released last November 29 and was quickly hoisted to the head of sales of disks. Only a week after its release, the 17th installment of Renaud exceeded 70 000 copies sold, as accounted for then BFMTV.

A 17th album for Renaud

on Friday 29 November went out so the twelve unreleased “Kids and children first”, her new and 17th studio album. “An album on the theme of childhood, dear to Renaud, who will also speak at large !”, is it promised on the cover of this disc as expected. And to illustrate this new disc the performer of “Mistral ” Winner” has appealed to the Pta, dad of the famous Titeuf, a character for children (but not only) to the drill bit yellow. He signed the cover of the album, but has also created a character for each of the songs it contains. If Renaud has written eleven of the twelve unreleased “Kids and children first”, he entrusted the music to Renan Luce, his son-in-law, Thierry Geoffroy and Romane Serda.

“The kids and children first” contains twelve tracks, eleven of which previously unpublished writings by the lead singer of a 67-year-old, who confides in his lyrics on his childhood, but not only. Renaud discusses his battles against alcohol in particular, but also of his wounds, after several difficult months. The artist is surrounded by several relatives, Thierry Geoffroy, Michael Ohayon, Renan Luce and Romane Serda music, but also the cartoonist Zep, dad of the famous Titeuf, who signs all the visuals of the album. See the file

Small and big secrets, all those things that you never knew about Renaud

Renaud is in good health

“It’s going very well.” While Dave was invited to the show “The log “unexpected” on RTL, his friend Renaud has made a statement of surprise at the phone. The opportunity for him to tell you a little bit more on his next album, expected in stores end of November, titled “The kids and the kids first.” “This album is a little different in that it is an album about childhood and I speak to children and I espère, they will see it as well as the parents because it is still rather songs for the great”, says the singer is 67-year-old.

In July last, in the columns of Paris, Renaud explained that this disk would be “twelve songs”. “There is a little humor. It’s going to be bitching more than one because there are a lot of big words. Children love big words. But it’s more an album about childhood than a children’s album,” he explained. On a new tour, it is not intended “for the moment”, to be contrasted Renaud. Going back on the road would it be too tiring for the artist ? The latter ensures, however, that it is better, after months of rumors about its state of health.

“It’s going very well, despite what’s being said in the tabloids, the press of the gutter. I do not have a STROKE, or liver cancer, or cirrhosis of the liver (…). I am in perfect health for a year, I no longer drink any drop of alcohol for 9 months. I am perfectly lucid and happy,” he explained to the microphone of RTL on Saturday, September 14th. And this was echoed in Le Parisien : “I’m always surrounded by friends who drink. Moderately, but who drink. But I don’t drink. I’m at Bitters San Pellegrino”. To reassure his fans.

Renaud, a 50-year career of singer

That’s more than fifty years that Renaud is comfortably installed among the French artists the most popular. With a couple dozen albums released since 1968 and to nearly twenty million copies sold, it is also one of the most prolific artists. There is no doubt that his new album, “The kids and children first”, in stores on Friday 29 November, will be no exception. Since his younger years, his titles such as “Mistral ” winner”, “Morgane de toi”, “Lets concrete” or, more recently, “Still standing” through the ages. Despite a life of fighting his old demons, including those of alcohol, Renaud does not seem willing to pass the microphone. And in the tests, he has always been able to count on his fans and his family and friends, always at his side.

The women of the life of Renaud

The daughter of Renaud, Lolita, is omnipresent in the life of the singer. Born August 9, 1980 in Paris, it is the fruit of the marriage of the singer with Dominique Quilichini. Married to the singer Renan Luce, who created the music for several of the disc “kids and children first”, in 2009, she has a daughter, Heloise, was born on August 3, 2011. The couple separates in 2016. Writer, Lolita Séchan is illustrated through several books for children, such as “The ashes of mom” and scenarios of comics, including “The Mists of Sapa”. Well away from the singing career of his father. “I had a proposal to write songs, but this is not my thing. And especially, it refers to too many things personal. The BD, this is my domain, it belongs only to me. I’ve always taken drawing classes…”, it was explained it to France Soir in 2016. Lolita Séchan has always been close to his parents, especially his mother.

Dominique Quilichini is the first wife of Renaud. In the 70’s, the singer made his acquaintance, while she is married to the actor Gérard Lanvin. But for him, she will leave her husband. Renaud and Dominique Quilichini were married on 1 August 1980 and, eight days later, is born, Lolita Séchan, August 9. But a few years after their union, Renaud back in the alcohol and Dominique will leave him in 1999, after 25 years of relationship. But after all these years, the former couple has remained close through the trials. This is also the case of the second wife of Renaud.

Romane Serda has been a click in the life of the singer. The two artists met in 2000 at the Closerie des Lilas in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. Under his leadership, Renaud decides to treat his addiction to alcohol for a cure. It is the renaissance. In 2003, he moved with Romane Serda, whom he married on August 5, 2005 in the Drôme. Their love will be born the second child of Renaud Malone, born on July 14, 2006. But the torments of the singer reappeared and the couple divorced in 2011. In spite of everything, Romane Serda and Renaud remained very close. “We are no longer together, but we call each other every day… We support, we are there for each other, I take care of him… In fact, we are so loved, that we love each other yet,” confided she to Tele-Leisure.

Renaud faced with the death of his brother,

throughout his career, if Renaud can count on his family, he also had to go through difficult trials. Last January, Renaud loses his brother, Thierry, who died of massive STROKES at his home in paris. Writer, journalist and lyricist, he collaborated with many artists such as Julien Clerc, Daniel Lavoie, Elsa or his ex-sister-in-law, Romane Serda. He has also written twenty books, such as “Letters to my brother”, published in 2013 and sent to Renaud, for whom he was worried. “What to do ? Watch you sink arms crossed ? Unimaginable ! According to the slogan that you’d print it in The Morning, Paris in 1988 to encourage Uncle to represent : Renaud, lets not concrete !”, he wrote. His death in January 2019 was a brutal shock. “Renaud and David Séchan, his brothers, and his three daughters Olivia, Lou and Lila telling me to tell you with great sadness that Thierry Séchan died at the age of 69 years at his paris home,” wrote in a press release the lawyer Renaud.