CORONAVIRUS. The WHO press release, Sunday, on a record growth in the number of cases of infection with the new coronavirus Covid-19 around the world. China, the birthplace of the pandemic, has identified 18 new infections. Brazil, USA, Europe, Asia… The point on the situation in each country.

Summary Map of the coronavirus Statistics of the coronavirus ending Dates of the confinement by country China United States Brazil Spain Italy United Kingdom Germany Portugal Belgium Africa

[updated June 22, 2020 at 11: 30 am] The Covid-19, appeared officially in China in December last year, continues to run rampant through the world at the beginning of summer. According to the world health Organization, the day of Sunday was even allowed to beat a worrying record, with 183 020 new new reported cases in 24 hours on the planet, mostly located on the american continent (116 000 new cases). The previous peak had been reached on Thursday, June 18, with 181 232 contamination additional. The balance sheet total of the pandemic related to the new coronavirus now stands at over 8.7 million infections and 461 000 deaths in the world.

The situations differ of course from one continent to another and from one region to another, but even in some countries that appeared to come out of the health crisis, face new concerns, with the fear of a second wave. This is particularly the case in China, where appeared the new coronavirus, six months ago, on a market of Wuhan. After eight weeks without new cases the country is facing from a week to a resurgence of contamibations, for the time being unspectacular in the number (22 cases Sunday, including 18 in Beijing, with 26 cases on Monday, including 22 in the capital), but led the authorities to take new measures of restrictions (district reconfinés to Beijing, air traffic suspended…) and to conduct a mass screening in the population (over two million tests). China has also announced Sunday it had suspended imports of the american brand of chicken Tyson Foods and decided to the closure of a factory of the brand PepsiCo in Beijing, after having found the case in these plants.

the map of The coronavirus in the world

Statistics of the coronavirus

Statistics of the coronavirus to the 21/06/2020 in the evening

a Country Number of cases New cases deaths New deaths United States 2,356,657 +26,079 122,247 +267 Brazil 1,086,990 +16,851 50,659 +601 Russia 584,680 +7,728 8,111 +109 India 426,910 +15,183 13,703 +426 United Kingdom 304,331 +1,221 42,632 +43 Spain 293,352 +334 28,323 +1 Peru 254,936 +3,598 8,045 +184 Chile 242,355 +5,607 4,479 +184 Italy 238,499 +224 34,634 +24 Iran 204,952 +2,368 9,623 +116 Germany 191,575 +359 8,962 +1 Turkey 187,685 +1,192 4,950 +23 Pakistan 176,617 +4,951 3,501 +119 Mexico 175,202 +4,717 20,781 +387 France 160,377 +284 29,640 +7 Saudi Arabia 157,612 +3,379 1,267 +37 Bangladesh 112,306 +3,531 1,464 +39 Canada 101,337 +318 8,430 +20 South Africa 97,302 +4,621 1,930 +53 Qatar 87,369 +881 98 +4 China 83,378 +26 4,634 British 68,652 +3,019 2,237 +111 Belgium 60,550 9,696 Belarus 58,505 +569 346 +3 Sweden 56,043 5,053 Egypt 55,233 +1,475 2,193 +87 Ecuador 50,640 +909 4,223 +67 Netherlands 49,593 +91 6,090 +1 Indonesia 45,891 +862 2,465 +36 United Arab Emirates 44,925 +392 302 +1 Argentina 42,785 +1,581 1,011 +19 Singapore 42,095 +262 26 Kuwait 39,650 +505 326 +7 Portugal 39,133 +292 1,530 +2 Ukraine 36,560 +735 1,002 +8 Poland 31,931 +311 1,356 +10 Switzerland 31,292 +49 1,956 Iraq 30,868 +1,646 1,100 +87 Philippines 30,052 +652 1,169 +19 Oman 29,471 +905 131 +3 end Dates of the containment by country

many countries have adopted measures of containment to protect their population from the Covid-19. These measures are withdrawn or draw gradually to an end in many countries. Here are a few dates of the end of containment in the affected countries.

Country announced Date of the end of the containment Algeria 29 may Germany, may 4, Belgium 3-may Spain, may 9, United States, no date national, already lifted in several States. France 11 may Greece may 4, India may 3, Italy 3 may Luxembourg, may 11, Morocco 10 June Portugal 2 may Uk June 1, Switzerland, April 27, Tunisia may 3, Coronavirus in China

thus, 18 new cases of Covid-19 of which were reported in China on Monday, half of them having been identified in Beijing. This brings the total to 220 contamination related to the outbreak of the market giant fruits and vegetables Xinfadi, spotted there are a dozen of days. If the authorities have quickly responded by reconfinant some districts of the capital and limiting the travel, and then by testing a massive population, the chinese Center for control and disease prevention has also sought to reassure by stating that the situation was under control, even if new cases would not be identified in the coming days. In total, the balance sheet, in China, appears to 85 018 cases and 4 646 dead (no new deaths in recent weeks).

Coronavirus in the USA

The United States remains far and away the country most affected by the Covid-19 with 119 975 deaths in total, and 2 280 912 case. According to the institute Johns Hopkins, who is an authority on the matter, the number of deaths this Monday is 305 people dead in 24 hours (568 the day before). After having raged in the eastern united states, the virus has moved to the south and west. The number of daily new infections recorded in the United States is these days above 30 000 but this figure had fallen to about 20 000 last month. The president, Donald Trump has decided to resume its campaign rallies in in view of the presidential election and was present at Tulsa (Oklahoma), Saturday, in front of an audience, however, is more sparse than hoped for.

Coronavirus in Brazil

The situation is especially worrisome in Brazil, where 641 deaths were registered in 24 hours, this Monday, June 22, for a total balance which now stands at 1 083 341 cases reported, and 50 617 deaths. The government, however, continues to communicate messages of encouragement, assuring that the situation is under control, under the leadership of president Jair Bolsonaro refractory containment measures implemented by the governors of the states and supporting the thesis that the consequences of economic of these restrictions could cause damage far more serious than those caused by the coronavirus.

Coronavirus in Spain

Spain had announced last Thursday that it would need to revise upwards the balance of the epidemic in the country, with a total of dead is expected to reach 28 000 deaths instead of the 27 136 identified so far. This total figure had not changed since the beginning of June after an evolution of the method of calculation. taken into account This change had led to the criticism from the opposition who accused the government of hiding the real figures of mortality. This Sunday, June 21, the balance sheet referred to 141 new cases in 24 hours (134 last week) 246 272 cases in total, for 28 323 deaths (1 death in 24 hours).

In terms of déconfinement, the date of the 1st July is the next cap set by the Spanish government. The state of alert, which ran until June 21, to limit travel, has come to an end. The reopening of the borders to tourists, has also been booked. The football championship has taken over the last week, and many cultural venues have also opened their doors. In contrast, the schools will re-open in September.

Coronavirus in Italy

In Italy, the balance sheet reported this Sunday was 24 people dead in 24 hours (49 the previous day), bringing the total number of deaths to 34 634 and the number of cases identified, 238 499.since the beginning of the health crisis. The country’s authorities have called for caution and prudence, during the weekend, after the discovery of several outbreaks, especially in Rome, while seeking to reassure. “We’ve got some lack of attention, as the young nightlife scene, and so on, but in Italy, most people continue to wear the mask and apply the distance-physical, assured, at the end of last week, Massio Andreoni, head of the department of infectious diseases at the hospital Tor Vergata of Rome, interviewed by La Depeche du Midi. He warned however : “The virus will continue to circulate and we’ll have the sudden reappearance of a few outbreaks. If there is a second wave, this will be our fault. This will mean that we will not have been able to apply what we have learned from the situation in the spring”.

Coronavirus in the United Kingdom

The last balance sheet reported in the United Kingdom was a state, Sunday, for 43 more deaths in 24 hours (compared to 128 the previous day). In total, the country has 42 632 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic to more than 304 331 positive cases. According to the office for national statistics (ONS), the number of deaths attributed to the new coronavirus is nevertheless higher than that announced by the ministry of Health, and the overall balance would be in reality more than 50 000 victims of the Covid-19, taking into account the actual number of deceased persons in retirement homes.

The Uk is also continuing with its déconfinement progressive, including the partial reopening of the schools since the beginning of the month. The return is done by age groups for primary schools with pupils aged 4 to 6 years, and from 10 to 11 years. All stores were allowed to reopen on Monday, June 15, with the implementation of precautionary measures (limitation of the number of customers inside, markings on the ground to facilitate the detachment physics…). The port of the mask is also mandatory in the transport. For the reopening of bars and restaurants, it will be necessary, however, to wait for the 4th of July.

Coronavirus in Germany

Alert in Germany with 537 additional cases of coronavirus reported in 24 hours, bringing the balance sheet total in the country to 190 359 cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the epidemic, according to figures released on Monday 22 June by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) which is responsible for monitoring of the epidemic in the country. 3 additional deaths have been reported, for a total of 8885 dead since the emergence of the virus in the country.

This is especially the reproductive rate of the virus, the famous R+0 that is of concern. The primary indicator of virus circulation in a territory, the rate has climbed sharply in recent days, from 1.79 to 2.88 to Sunday. This increase comes just a few days after the announcement of a major outbreak of contamination in a slaughterhouse North Rhine-Westphalia, Gütersloh. 400 employees had first tested positive, resulting in the placing in quarantine of the 6500 employees of the site. In the end, after the multiplication of tests these last days, more than 1300 people working for the slaughterhouse have tested positive for Covid-19. “We are dealing with the most important site of infection,” announced during the weekend the Prime minister of Hrénanie North-rhine Westphalia Armin Laschet. “In the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia, the number of infections decreased by 75% since the déconfinement, but here, in the district of Gütersloh, the numbers explode, this is closely linked to the meat industry”.

Germany has launched last week its application for tracing called Corona-Warn-App and using Bluetooth technology to identify and prevent persons who have been in contact with a patient, tested positive for the Covid-19. The download is free and volunteer-based but the application is based on a protocol validated by Apple and Google. The authorities promise better privacy of the data, the history information being stored in the phone itself. According to a survey published by ZDF, only 42% of people surveyed said they were ready to download.

Coronavirus in Portugal

Portugal is facing a wave of new cases of coronavirus with over 300 cases reported each day for a week. Lagos in the south of the country, the public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation about a birthday party held in early June and attended “dozens of people and would be the source of an outbreak of infection.” A hundred new cases of contamination had been reported in the wake in this region. According to the public ministry, the organisers could face a “crime of spread of disease”.

Lisbon, the main focus of contamination for several days, the authorities are also concerned about the spread of the virus. “We’re struggling to break the chains of transmission”, was recognized Friday by the minister of Health. At the end of the week, Portugal was the second country of the european Union in number of infections per day reported to its population (10 million). Only Sweden was ahead, according to AFP. Several european countries have announced launched of the controls with Portuguese nationals arriving on their soil, via screening tests or quarantine periods.

The country heard yet wet on her good numbers, and its status as a safe destination to attract the european tourists. The government has recently introduced a mobile application “Info Praia” on the terms of opening of the beaches this summer. We have included on this application, information about the rate of occupation of beaches as well as a color code for whether the beach is open in “dynamic” mode (walk permitted only) or if it is possible to cover it with his towel. The dating of the beaches could be monitored and reduced by half compared to usual, but their access could remain free.

The priority is the return of tourism and communication campaigns to multiply. The country has been awarded the “Safe Travels”, a first in Europe. “This label allows travelers to recognize the governments and companies around the world that have adopted standardized protocols in the area of health and hygiene, so that consumers can travel safely once the restrictions lifted,” said the government. No quarantine will be in place this summer.

Coronavirus in Belgium

This Friday, June 19, the ministry of Public Health has provided a new review on the evolution of the epidemic in the country. Thursday, 128 new infections have been identified, and 20 new patients have been admitted to the hospital. At the same time, 27 patients were able to leave the hospital beds. He remains in Belgium 340 hospitalized patients, including 55 in the intensive care unit. 12 new deaths were reported, bringing the total balance to 9695 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. “The evolution of the different indicators is on the decline. However, the virus has not disappeared from the territory of belgium. Continue, therefore, to apply the tips to protect you and your loved ones”, warns the ministry of Health, who noted a decrease in the number of deaths related to the Covid-19 of 7% to 9% per day and the number of confirmed cases of 2% to 5% each day.

Coronavirus in Africa