The collective “The truth to Adama” has launched a call for demonstrations across the country, this Saturday, June 13. This mobilization is intended to “denounce the police violence”, “social” and “racial”, according to Assa Traoré, the sister of Adama Traoré, the young man who died in 2016 following his arrest. In Paris, the procession was blocked by the police on the place de la République.

Summary Case Adama Traoré Event in Paris yellow Vests and overflows The basics

The Committee “truth and justice for Adama” calls for the mobilisation everywhere in France, on Saturday 13 June . A manifestation, in particular, was from the Republic square in Paris to join the Opera square. At 16: 30, the protesters very many are always blocked by the forces of law and order. “The choice is made not to let the procession but allowing the protesters to stay there,” said a police source to Franceinfo. The firing of tear gas by the forces of order have been observed by several journalists on the spot.

In the early afternoon, the sister of Adama and activist, Assa Traoré took the floor. “today is a rally to denounce the denial of justice, the police violence, social violence, racial violence”, she said. “When the French people goes down, the message is stronger, it is the unison that speaks. It requires all the same thing : a justice for all the world,” said Assa Traoré.

militants from the extreme right of the group Generation identity have deployed a banner on which read “Justice for the victims of the racism anti-white – white Lives Matter”, on the roof of a parisian building, overlooking the square of the Republic. The banner was then torn apart by the residents of the building.

20,000 people have already gathered on June 2, before the tribunal of Paris, to have “Justice for Adama”. This mobilization comes after the shock wave of the world caused by the death of George Floyd in the United States, a black man asphyxiated by a white policeman, in Minneapolis, on the 25th of may.

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16:27 – The tear gas fired by the police

According to several journalists on the spot, tear gas was launched, not the forces of law and order to the protesters around the square of the Republic.

16:23 – Lyon : the people gathered in front of the Palace of justice

A rally against police violence also took place in Lyon, in front of the Palace of justice. It ended in the calm around 16 hours, depending on The Progress after the speeches of several families of victims and associations.

16:00 – thousands of demonstrators gathered on the place de la République

A large crowd is gathered on the Republic square in Paris to protest against the police violence and racism.

15:52 – No procession to the place of the Opera, the event is tolerated as a “gathering static”

The police is blocking the start of the event place of the Republic. “The choice that has been made at this stage is not to accept a departure of the procession towards the place of the Opera. There is simply a tolerance of gathering static”, indicates the forces of the order at Paris.

15:38 – 10 000 people on site, according to Le Parisien

According to sources, the police of Paris, 10,000 people are currently gathered in the square of the Republic.

15:29 – Lille, protesters gather

Since Tuesday 2 June, several demonstrations against racism and police violence took place in Lille. This Saturday, Lille started to gather early in the afternoon on the plaza of the Republic.

15:18 – The event could remain static, according to BFMTV

The organizers of the event wanted to go to the place of the Opera house from the Republic to Paris, but the authorities prefer to avoid “a procession dynamic”, indicates BFMTV. It is thus a gathering static, as gatherings of more than ten persons are currently prohibited.

15:02 – The protesters have not left yet from the place de la République

The procession was to start at 14h30 place de la République in Paris to join the Opera square. The protesters gathered on the square, but cannot advance. The CRS does not leave in fact not free passage, according to BFMTV.

14:47 – activists of the right-wing deploy a banner against the “racism anti-white”

The militant group of extreme right-wing Generation identity have deployed a banner on the roof of a building in the course of the event calling for “justice for the victims of racism anti-white”.

14:42 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon called the police to “change their comportements”

the chairman of The group France Insubordinate to the national Assembly went to the place de la République, in Paris, this Saturday. Jean-Luc Mélenchon called the police to “change their behaviour”. “If we let instill the idea that, because of the colour of their skin or their religion, some of which may be treated in a way unworthy, then that is no longer France,” said the mp.

14:30 – Assa Traoré took the floor on the square of the Republic

The activist paid tribute to the “victory” that is the recognition of the existence of racism in the French police. “But this is not a gift they have done to us”, adds Assa Traoré. “When we kill most of the time, these are the people non-white, blacks, arabs, die.” “When the French people goes down, the message is stronger, it is the unison that speaks. It requires all the same thing : a justice for all the world,” said Assa Traoré prior to the event this Saturday.

14:29 – Assa Traoré : “It’s a story that we must continue to write together for the freedom of all”

Assa Traoré, the sister of Adam Traoré and creator of the “Committee for truth and justice for Adama”, has sent a message video for the event this Saturday : “We invite you to come express your revolt. We invite you to come and denounce the police violence, the racial violence, social violence. Today it is a turning point that we must take together. (…) It is a story that we must continue to write together for the freedom of all, for the survival of all”, she says.

14:04 – Marseille : a demonstration planned for this Saturday to 19 hours

A demonstration against police violence and racism is also planned in Marseille, this Saturday. The rendezvous point is the Old Port, in 19 hours. The organizers claim that the mobilization earlier, on 6 June, had brought together 5,000 people.

13:41 – The prefecture has called for the closure of the shops and restaurants on the route

“To face this Saturday to the risk of gatherings”, the prefecture of police asked the shops, bars and restaurants”, located on the route of the demonstration in paris to close for the afternoon. “They will need to put in place a means of protection against damage and to close the terraces and shelves that will need to be emptied of all furniture that can be used as a projectile or a weapon”, said the release of the prefect.

13:20 – What is the route for the event ?

The event was launched by the committee of support to the family of Adama Traoré will start at 14: 30 on place de la République in Paris. The parade will then proceed to the place of the Opera house, passing by the boulevard Saint-Martin and the boulevard des Italiens.

READ MORE read more The case of Adama Traoré

Adama Traoré died on July 19, 2016, in the barracks of Persian, nearly two hours after his arrest in his hometown of Beaumont-sur-Oise (Val-d’oise), at the end of a pursuit race, and after having escaped a first inquiry a hot summer day. While the liability of the authorities was, up to now discarded, a new expertise, conducted at the request of the family of Adama Traoré, has put in because there is a period of ten days the gendarmes in the death of the young man. This medical report was unveiled a few days after a final expertise ordered by the investigating judges in charge of this case sensitive, and that was out of the question the forces of law and order. Since then, the judicial expert who dismiss the responsibility of the gendarmes meet those, ordered by the family, which sweep away their conclusions. The last expertise ordered by the magistrates dismissed the responsibility of the forces of order in attributing the death to an “edema-cardiogenic” linked to the state of health of Adama Traoré.

Until then, it has been concluded that the death of Adama Traoré was not linked to a “positional asphyxia”, which could open the door to the forces of law and order in the death. The collective “The truth to Adama”, the initiative calls for a protest, has not renounced this as his version of the story is heard and it is in this sense that the protests are launched. “The family of Adama Traoré recalls that it expects improvements in the judicial system, and invitations to the discussion that there would be no purpose procedural”, tweeted the committee earlier this week, announcing that the gathering of the capital would be “starting at the Place de la République at 14: 30” in the direction of Opera.

Event in Paris

The call to demonstrate in Paris for Adama Traoré has been given an appointment on the Place de la République at 14: 30 to join the Opera. An event had already taken place last June 2, in front of the judicial court of Paris. 80 000 people according to organizers, 20 000 according to the police, were made on-site. The committee “The truth to Adama,” also called “all the cities of France to come and express […] to demand truth and justice for Adama and all the victims of the police or of the gendarmerie”. “We have got advancedées important to obtain the truth and justice. The mobilization is the only way, today the entire world going through a global revolution”, was it written on the event on Facebook, in reference to similar events that have taken place in this time in the United States and in the world, caused by the case of George Floyd, an African-American who died during his arrest on may 25, 2020.

The yellow vests and overflows feared