DISTANCE crow flies – A distance of 100 km to flight of bird must be met in order to move without certification. Here is a comprehensive look at the maps and tools that allow you to calculate the radius, and measure distances easily…

Since the 11 of may and the beginning of the déconfinement, a perimeter of 100 km “bird’s eye” must be followed for travel that does not meet the requirements professional or family. One of the best tools to view the area to observe from your home, or to accurately calculate if a distance between two points is included in the area permitted, is offered by Esri France (Environmental systems research institute), specialist of cartography and territories. This tool, available at this address, will be presented in the form of a card. The authorized area to the flight of a bird takes into account the radius of 100 km, but also the borders between the departments, which provides the vision as accurately as possible, of the authorized travel. You can use it directly below :

Summary Radius of 100 km crow flies distance Calculation bird’s eye Google Maps and maps Distance between 2 cities or 2 points

If you can move in your street without a certificate from the may 11, you still can not move freely in the whole of France. The displacements remain framed when you are out of your department and that you go to more than 100 km from your home. These 100 km correspond in fact to “a perimeter defined by a circle with a radius of 100 km,” says the government, which states that “the distance of 100 km is calculated ‘crow flies'”. “This distance is neither perfect nor scientific. It can be regarded as arbitrary, but it allows you to avoid unnecessary travel,” said Christophe Castaner, the minister of the Interior, about it.

The perimeter of 100 km around the home will apply until at least June 2, according to Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, secretary of State responsible for foreign Trade, tourism and francophonie, which was expressed in the Sunday Newspaper on 17 may. An enlargement of the radius could be considered in the month of June. “If, all together, we continue to be very vigilant about precautions and actions barriers, this circle can be increased in a concentric manner. In 1936, holidays with pay were a social conquest ; by 2020, the holiday will be a conquest health!”, explains Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne. a
In the meantime, the French move beyond the 100 km allowed without certification may be subject to a fine of 135 euros. This makes it all the more crucial for the computation of this distance for them, but also to the security forces who will have to calculate also the distance in the flight of a bird at the controls. Multiple applications and platforms makes it possible to identify these 100 km to flight of bird. We you the has detail later in this article.

what is a radius of 100 km “as the crow flies” ?

The concept of “bird’s eye” is, therefore, to remember, and will impact the daily lives of the French. In our dictionary, “bird’s eye” is equivalent to a route calculated, distance or time, “in a straight line, without deviation, all right”. This concept implies that the distance of 100 km will not be calculated as km of road travelled, but by a radius of 100 km direct and in a straight line around the point of departure, and this regardless of the space crossed (roads, but also fields, forests, mountains etc). In the case that interests us here, we must also take account of the departments within a department who are also allowed, and can in rare cases lead to over 100 km. It is thus necessary to take account of the inclusion of the department of residence, if it extends beyond the perimeter of 100 km as the crow flies, but also cutting at the borders and on the coastline, which may conversely reduce the perimeter of 100 km for the French living within 100 km of a neighbouring country.

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How to calculate the distance of 100 km to flight of bird ?

To calculate a distance of 100 km to flight of bird from a point, or address, a mapping tool in print or digital will be essential. One of the most well-known Google Maps, allows for the calculation of this famous distance “the crow flies”. Simply enter in the tool the starting point of a route, and then perform a right click on the icon red which is then affixed to the card. In the menu, you then need to select “Measure distance” :

A white dot encircled with black will add to the starting point. It is then possible to click anywhere on the map, a straight line appears and the distance the crow flies is indicated. The search for a destination via the engine will provide the same result.

To calculate this distance and do not exceed this famous 100-km radius, under penalty of being subject to a fine of 135 euros, you can also use a tool very easy to use, already available when you could not do your sport beyond 1 km. This is the site Map exit containment. With this tool, you can make your boundary of 100 km very simply by entering your address and then clicking on the blue dot to have the 100 km around you. Important Information that might push you to use this map : the site says that “In the event of a control not to risking a fine, this card will also serve as your proof”.

What are the maps and tools to display a distance to the flight of a bird ?

other tools-oriented map can visualize the radius of 100 km to flight of bird around your home. These tools rely first on a cartographic representation of the area of travel authorized. Mappy was for example launched in the visualization of the 100-km “flight of bird” to allow you to be in the rules. The site has even created a special department to find out what distance you can do. What it means is that when you type an address, you can view the area where the routes are possible to a kilometre in case of travel related to sports activity in period of confinement, as well as 100 miles in order to predict the post-containment. If you want to take a look, it’s right here.

It is now also possible to visualize the distance in the flight of a bird through a well known site of the French, Viamichelin.fr. The site has decided to implement a new option called “radius 100 km”. Then you just have to click on the icon “radius 100 km”, and then type its address and the one then obtains the map from the radius of 100 km.

© via michelin

If you want to make a calculation as precise as possible, Geoportal, the mapping tool online from the national Institute of geographic information (IGN) is can be done for you ! But attention, this last one is more complicated than the previous ones. To identify the famous area of 100 kilometers, you have to click on the key located to the right of the screen, and then click “calculate an isochrone”. You need to enter an address, and ask him for a “isodistance”, indicating that you want to go up to 100km. By clicking on “calculate”, the interface should display accurately how far you can go.

another site has also seen the light of day to see this distance to the “bird’s eye” and is the work of Lille, Florent Bertiaux. This site, 100 km.space has been designed from maps provided by Google. Simply enter in the search engine the name of his town of residence and a green circle appears. Based on the API of Google Maps, the app can be used on mobile, tablet, and computer. The designer of the site has also introduced another feature in which it is possible to enter up to three addresses to see your loved ones (friends, family) who live more than 100 km.

the Other contractor to be launched in the representation of 100 km as the crow flies, a young engineer grenoble, france Maxime Girard with his friend Loïc Bouvet. They launched “CovidRadius” and explain why in the Obs : “We sought to create an app. But the ones that existed gave this information as the crow flies, not taking into account the paths and roads. However to answer the setpoint government, it was necessary to work on isodistances .” The tool is very easy to use because it, simply enter the address that appears in the perimeter of 100 km. For information purposes please note that if the area is exceeded, an audible alert will trigger every 5 seconds, coupled with a small vibration.

How to calculate the distance between two points ?

many computer tools are more oriented on the routes, i.e. the distance between two cities or two points and can allow you to verify that your displacement is well within a radius of 100 km around your place of residence. On the website “GPS Coordinates” for example, you just need to enter your address or your city of departure in the first field to fill in, and then that of your destination. The radius bird’s-eye is by default 100 km. The website will provide for you the straight line distance from point A to point B, stating the exact number of kilometres. For more precision, a circle of 100 km will also be draw around the starting point of your journey, as below :

© Screenshot of the site GPS Coordinates

The site “The French bird”, you can also accurately calculate the distance between two cities. For this, nothing more simple : just select first the department, then the city of departure, and in a second time the department and the city of arrival. The site then displays the exact distance between these two points, as the crow flies, in compliance with the requirements of the government.

mobile apps galore

If it is easier to use the tools on your computer, you can also do this on your mobile device with the interactive map Geoconcept. To use it, you just go to the demo available on the website of the company specialized in the “geo-optimization”. You then click on “view my area accessible from may 11,” which takes you to the lower level of the interactive map. You type in the address of your place of confinement, and the two areas of blue appear. Small precision, there is no need to fill in the number of kilometres, the tool does it automatically.

Always on mobile, several apps have been developed to calculate the distance to the flight of a bird. On iPhone, you can use the application 100 k, a tool created by Clément Baudet, which indicates that no data are collected to respect the privacy of. On Android, you can why not download the application Radius. Created by Vivien Galuchot, the application also respects the privacy of individuals and does not collect any information. Another application is also light to calculate the distance as the crow flies, that of a developer by the name of Nicolas Lefèvre, with a name that leaves little doubt : “Card déconfinement to the flight of a bird”. Interviewed by 20 minutes, he explained why his app was useful. “A GPS system [Waze, TomTom…] is not suitable since it only allows to calculate the distance between two addresses by road. This app is a very practical, offers in contrast to the user to visualize, calculate, and justify, if necessary, the distance the crow flies between two addresses.” All these apps are available on Google Play, on Android smartphones for the search “card déconfinement” or “map distance” in these blinds. In concrete terms, how this application works ?

first of All, the user enters a starting address at the top of the application. He can then visualize a circle of radius 100 mile radius of this address by clicking on the button ” Show the circle of 100 km “. In the second, to be aware of the area in which it has the right to move, the user then adds a first address in the bottom of the application (in addition to the start address previously entered. Then he clicks in the app on the button ” Calculate the distance between the starting address and the address of arrival “. Finally, a message is displayed with the distance in kilometres between these two locations. A line to the flight of a bird is drawn on the map, and the user only has to use it as a guide. In what cases is it allowed to perform a move is more than 100 km ?