The date of Sunday, June 28, has been adopted by the executive this Thursday evening, Édouard Philippe had already announced this trend among political parties on Wednesday and there will be unless unfavorable opinion of the scientific Council.

Summary Results validated the Results of 1st round Date of 2nd round Results cancelled Card results The essential The date of the second round of the municipal has been set for Sunday, June 28. The executive, who has surveyed many of the mayors and the scientific Council, has ruled this Thursday. In June 2020 or January 2021 ? On Wednesday evening, Prime minister Edward Philip has, however, indicated to the representatives of the parties that the second round of the municipal could be held in January 2021. All the results of the first round of municipal elections, if the second is held at the end of June, will be well-validated. The latest info The info of the may 21, 2020 – The second round of the municipal will be held on 28 June. This Thursday evening and according to the information of BFM TV, the executive has decided to put the second round of the municipal on the 28th of June next, unless the scientific Council gives a negative opinion because of a bad evolution of the health situation in France. A new point will be made 15 days prior to the election. info 21 may 2020 – “maybe We can make a mistake once but not two.” about a possible second round of municipal elections in June, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Standing the France said : “it is strange to reproduce the same error as in the first round”. Interviewed on franceinfo, he indicated that he was opposed to the holding of a second round of municipal in June. “Maybe we can make a mistake once but not two. Gold the French to emerge from the containment, there is still a lot of departments in the red zone, we do not yet have the results of the déconfinement, we do not have that in June”, he added.

The info of the may 21, 2020 A vote against the elderly ? With a score of elected LREM Olga Givernet, member of The Republic on the Ain department, has co-signed a letter addressed to the president, Emmanuel Macron, to ask him to postpone the second round of the municipal elections. According to her, this would “remove the right to vote” to elderly people or “put them in a complicated situation”, because it is impossible to anticipate the pandemic coronavirus, while a second wave is even feared

info 21 may 2020 Several members of parliament LREM ask for a postponement of “a few months” of the election. In a letter addressed to the president and Emmanuel Macron, a twenty parliamentarians from the majority claim that the holding of the second round of the municipal elections to be postponed for “a few months”. “We don’t know what is going to be the health situation at the end of June. Even if things improve, some people will not dare to vote, especially seniors. This poses big problems. For me, democracy should not be subjected to any compromise,” says the mp LREM Blandine Broc. “Some of the major democracies have not hesitated to postpone for one year the ballots. In this period of crisis, it may be useful to keep the teams in place, particularly for the reopening of schools,” she adds.

The info of the may 21, 2020 Jean-Christophe Lagarde strongly opposed to a second round this summer. The mp centrist Jean-Christophe Lagarde has expressed its opposition to a new round of elections set in June : “It creates the conditions of the insincerity of the ballot. You think that vulnerable people, particularly the elderly, are going to come to vote in June ?”, he said. The info of the may 21, 2020 – many voices have been raised against the holding of an election in June. Several politicians have been reluctant on a second tour in June. The president of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand, wondered, Tuesday, may 19, on France 2, if, in the context of a health crisis, it was “reasonable to consider the end of June elections”. The delegate-general of The Republic in march, Stanislas Guerini, and the presidents of the groups macronistes of the national Assembly and the Senate, Gilles, The Son-in-law and François Patriat share the same reticence, then, that France complains more than 28 132 victims. in The info of the may 20, 2020 – Edward Philippe announces a second round in June 2020 or January 2021. Wednesday, may 20, Prime minister Edward Philip announced that the second round of the municipal elections 2020 will be held in either June 2020 January 2021. The month of October had been mentioned but the executive has not used this period to organize the election. According to several party officials, Édouard Philippe explained that it would be complicated to do campaign after back-to-school in September. Moreover, he pointed out that the debate session on the budget at Parliament may not be interrupted, excluding the possibility of a tour in the autumn. The scientific council is not opposed to the holding of elections in June but has highlighted the health risks “important” inherent in the election campaign. in The info of the may 20, 2020 – most of The mayors in favour of the organization of the 2nd tower on the 28th of June ? The president and Emmanuel Macron has organised a large-scale video conferencing to the Elysée presidential palace, Tuesday, may 19, with many of the mayors of France. Objective : to hear the views and some reservations of local elected officials on a 2nd tower which will take place in June. On franceinfo, Wednesday, 20 may, Michel Fournier, mayor of Voivres, Vosges) and first vice-president of the Association of mayors of rural France, has indicated that the mayors had all chosen this solution. “We talked about the municipal election and in particular the possibility of the second round. It is true that there has been a no-brainer. The 20 stakeholders, whether they are presidents of associations of mayors, or mayors of the city, mostly large cities, have all been unanimous”, he said. “We offer a solution for the communes of less than 1,000 inhabitants, where the election was held at the mix, not by list, and where often, there is a lack of one or two advisors. I proposed that we can do a 2nd round for these shared quickly, even if the 2nd round has not taken place everywhere,” he added. Read more

The big change made in the organization of the municipal and the decisions that lie ahead raises a number of questions : How are taken into account the results of the first round and what are the dates to remember on the next election of these municipal, definitely not like the others ? Here is the full point for any understanding, in a few questions and simple answers.

The results of the first round are they validated anywhere ?

For the moment, all the results of the first round are validated, in all the communes of France. In some 30 000 cities in which candidates have obtained an absolute majority in the 1st round, the municipal councils have taken over their function Monday, may 18, and the mayors will be formally invested before the end of the month. The municipal executive authorities will be nominated between 23 and 28 may.

What are the results of the 1st round ?

All the results of the first round of the municipal elections 2020, commune by commune, are searchable using the search engine below.

Among the notable findings, we may point out that in Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who arrived well ahead of its competitors ; in Lyon, the EELV Grégory Doucet has created the surprise, arriving clearly in the lead ; Martine Aubry in Lille and Christian Estrosi in Nice are in a tie is very favourable ; in Marseille, it is the left that is in front of LR. In le Havre Edouard Philippe has collected more than 42% of the vote. Among the incumbent mayor re-elected in the first round, there is Gérald Darmanin in Tourcoing, Robert Ménard in Béziers, Franck Riester to Coulommiers, Jean-François Copé to Meaux, François Baroin in Troyes, france, Steeve Briois in Hénin-Beaumont.

What is the date for the 2nd round of the municipal elections ?

After many rumors and speculation on the date chosen by Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe for the 2nd round of the municipal elections, the date of Sunday, June 28, now appears as the most probable for the organization of this election. The executive has requested a report of the scientific Council to ensure that the health risk is sufficiently manageable for a return to the polls. The experts have indicated, in this document, delivered on the 18th of may, that they do “not object” to the organization of the second round at the end of June. A vote could be organized at the national Assembly and the Senate to validate this date, probably with in the text of the law a “clause revoyure” to 10 June, in the event of a resurgence of the Covid-19 in the country.

That said, the scientific Council on the 2nd round of the municipal ?

The scientific Council, as stated in a press release, “has issued no recommendation on the holding or not of the second round of the municipal elections nor on the date of it”, adding that “if the decision was taken by the political authorities to organise such elections, and the date that it would be to fix it, it would then be necessary to put in place all measures to prevent the spread of the virus, risk difficult to define in the context of an election campaign”.

The government, relying on the scientific Council, will reassess the situation on the spread of the coronavirus in France around the 12 June. The executive has yet to meet the party leaders to get their opinion on the matter and Emmanuel Macron account to speak with many mayors to inquire about their opinion on the feasibility of a campaign express 2nd round under very strict conditions : given the circumstances, no meeting is not possible, and the meetings in the public space are very complicated.

the results Of the 1st round finally cancelled ?