The state intervenes in the company in the Corona-crisis under the arms. Among other things, with tax cuts and short-time working money.
BERLIN taz | A package to support the economy of the coalition Committee on Monday night decided. It contains measures to respond to the Corona epidemic, such as improvements in short-time work for the company. In addition, the Union’s long-desired tax-set by reductions for companies. The SPD prides itself for additional government expenditure of twelve billion euros.
If the Virus is spreading, strong, companies may lose jobs, not have to do for their workers enough or don’t have to close temporarily. For such situations, there is the short-time working money. In principle, the following applies: If a crisis-ridden company is cutting working hours, workers are the bulk of the fancy wage of the Federal employment Agency.
The company must pay social security contributions in more or less of the original amount more. You should now be relieved, the Federal Agency is responsible for these social insurance contributions. This means: short-time work is for the companies cheaper. It should be easier for you to survive the corona of a crisis, to dismiss without Employees. Also temporary workers shall also receive short-time working money. During the financial crisis, starting in 2009, such measures have worked well.
Even distressed companies can now apply for guarantees provided by the government. And the public KfW Bank group emergency loans available. This could be “increased at any time,” said German economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU). In addition, the CDU and the SPD, announced further “Liquidity support” for the company, without, however, concretely. About Altmaier wants to speak on this Tuesday, with the countries. The aid would prevent “an excessive increase in unemployment or corporate bankruptcies,” said Gabriel Felbermayr, President of the Institute for world economy in Kiel.
First of all: nothing. The government now wants to spend 2021 to 2024, about 3.1 billion a year for roads, housing, data networks, or hydrogen-energy technology, has two causes: the desire of the SPD to more investment by the state and the budget surpluses the Federal government last year. This expenditure will help the German economy, but from the possible corona crisis. In the long term, the infrastructure to use it anyway.
Because the SPD gets something, of course, must also prevail in the Union. They “had been requesting the facilitation of the corporate tax,” said Stefan Bach of the German Institute for economic research in Berlin. It was decided, therefore, that the owners of partnerships, such as limited partnerships (KG), the lower levels of taxation can choose in accordance with the law for capital companies (GmbH, AG).
up to 45 percent While the rate of income tax for the former, and, of the latter of about 35 percent. Who wants to stay with the current taxation, will receive new benefits in the case of the crediting of the trade tax. “This is a relief, especially affluent individuals entrepreneurs in urban areas,” says Bach.