all are sure to agree: Today, there are at least twice as many warnings and safety instructions in ten years ago. Every pack of cigarettes warns with shock photos on the leaflets of medicines, the Chapter “possible side effects” and “contraindications” are getting longer and longer. The security of the Individual is becoming more and more in the center. The emphasis is, however, the Individual <strong Single, so the woman, because for women in many areas does not apply. Their security seems to be a minor matter, there are many documents.

women. in a car accident much worse

hurt is A particularly impressive example is the so-called restraint systems in the car, so Airbags and seat belts Various studies show that in the case of a car accident, women are 47 percent more likely to have a injury and that these injuries are even more than 70 percent worse than that of men.

The explanation is obvious: The restraints are tested with crash-test dummies, on the Basis of these results, improved – and although there are male and female dummies, which correspond in size, weight, bone stability, and so on the different sexes, the female only rarely. The reason is that the EU is not required.

practicing the car maker? Each manufacturer must perform for the occupant safety Tests with dummies, but about the ratio of male/female dummies, there is no information that explains the ADAC to FOCUS Online. By the way, the ADAC tests the restraint systems, even under more stringent criteria than the car maker. But even here, only a female manikin Test will come in four male.

In case of rear impact damage to the belt and the Airbag probably more than you

Due to the different anatomy, of the more delicate Bone structure and a less pronounced muscles women are at risk, however, particularly violation, in each case, more than men. Especially neck injuries such as whiplash incurred twice as often as in men. “It is, in fact, that in the case of a rear-end, the current restraining systems for women are counterproductive,” warns the ADAC, which is seeking, in this context, now improvements.

occupant protection through the use of digital human models with a

is expected to improve by a further point in the security in the car, such as the Expansion of digital Tests. Brand new about the development of virtual human models, in order to complement the dummies. Scientists at the Ernst-Mach-Institut have now involved the muscle stiffness in the calculation of the best restraint systems. But how innovative the approach may be, The human models are only designed for once a male.

drugs for men

From injury, it is not a big step to the topic of medicine and medicines. Many are tailored to the male body, although it has long been known that men and women are different and different active ingredients may address. The many studies that must go through a drug prior to its approval, however they are mostly men as subjects. This is especially true for the early studies, the Phase I testing, as experts say the Federal conference of Gender health. Thus, it may be that the dosage recommendations are for men, for women, sometimes a little too high. The risk of side effects may increase. Internationally, this is by the way, as the Gender Health Gap referred to.

Risky breast implants – women wait for nine years for damages

many other facts are still counting. So it always comes back to scandals in the typical operations of concern to women. The best example is The tragedy with the non-toxic, but dangerous breast implants from the French company Poly Implants Prothèse (PIP). The implants were not filled with high-quality, reliable medical specialty silicone, but with cheaper industrial goods. The pillow cracks quickly and the plastic spread in the body, and it came even to death in some cases.

thousands of German women had received the implants. The negotiations dragging on since the year 2010. Until today, German and French lawyers fighting for compensation for women affected.

Incompatible vaginal implants

A completely different Form of implants are so-called vaginal networks to resolve in women, pelvic floor reduction (uterine prolapse, prolapse) and incontinence. However, the different network models are not cut, all is good in comparison to an Operation with the patient’s own tissue, such as an analysis of 37 studies.

Up to 18 percent of the women had to be nachoperiert, after you had to get certain vaginal networks used. What is behind the sober number: Constant, intense abdominal pain, problems with urination, inflammation, sexual intercourse is impossible. Sometimes the networks had also harmed tissue is cut, the bladder and bowel. In the United States and Australia, there were legal proceedings. In Germany, the vaginal networks are not implanted by the way, so often, here the Doctors are trying to fix first with conservative methods, the basin reduction.

Too big of a knee joint prosthesis for women

But also with other treatment options, women have been disadvantaged for a long, for example in knee joint replacement (knee joint endoprosthesis, short knee-TEP). In the 70s, the first hinge prostheses have been used. Also, women received the unit joint, which was tailored to men’s knees. Understandable that it came with for the women’s knee-to-large prostheses to massive problems.

In particular, women who received knee prostheses are not men. The ratio is about 3:1. Only 20 years later, slightly smaller endoprostheses have been constructed, which now also allow women to better care. The healthy woman

Our PDF guide shows specifically for women on how to stay healthy and fit. Including instructions on how to breast cancer self check.

PDF guide

women are treated by male doctors worse

therapies for women more often worse and more distressing than for men. That after a heart attack, the opportunities for women are worse than men’s, is already known for a long time – the fact has not changed, nevertheless, still fundamentally. Of a heart attack heirs has been shown that women lapse more frequent than men, and now comes the Surprise: unless you are being treated by a Doctor. Then your chances are just as high as that of the male patients, as further studies show. Female Doctors treat their patients equally well, whether a man or a woman.

breast squeeze of the mammogram

Finally, another example of preventive medicine: mammography is painful and extremely uncomfortable. Unbelast are not considered diagnostic methods such as thermography (infrared measurement), and ultrasound as a replacement for mammography. Perhaps these techniques were developed further, or there was any other method of investigation, without the nasty Bruise – if men similar to endure. Because even if the blood test should come in to breast cancer if in the foreseeable future, probably not from Germany – needs to show is still the mammogram where the cancer is located, how big it is.

Despite this, women still have approximately five years higher life expectancy than men, which is also genetic. However, if the safety of the woman, more would be entered, the Gender Health Gap would be closed, could women still live much longer. These are the consequences, if you drink in the morning water on an empty stomach, FOCUS Online/Wochit these are the consequences, if you drink in the morning on an empty stomach