illegal Parkers to private Parking can no longer press in the future, prior to the payment of a Knöllchens by claiming a lump sum, they would not have parked your car there.
Basically a ticket, the operator can make only the actual driver, such as the Federal court of justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe ruled on Wednesday. The monitoring company whether it is in the majority of cases, but only possible to make the holder of the car. This denies to be the Park, a sinner, he must call in the future, the other possible driver. He does not, he remains according to the judgment, even at the cost of sitting (Az. XII ZR 13/19). DriveNow – car-sharing made easy (display) Only now: 9,98 Euro registration fee + 15 free minutes!
lower courts judged otherwise
to date, many district and regional courts had assumed that the holder must anyone a bad name. That made it wrong parkerizing is easy to pull out of the affair – they could easily claim a lump sum, to be it had not been. In the case, a woman had not paid for three tickets, the car was too long or unjustified on two hospital Parking lots. The district court of Arnsberg must ask you now once again, who – if not you – has parked the car. VW e-Up in the Test: Now with significantly more coverage to the really fair price PCP VW e-Up in the Test: Now with significantly more coverage to the really fair price