Katarina Wennstam Read more: the chronicles of the
by Katarina Wennstam, please Follow
the First time I met the Sara Danius she was border in the great hall at the old stock exchange with its head held high and her back straight, along with the ledamotskollegan, Sara Stridsberg , author of Agneta Pleijel , which on this evening would be given to the Swedish Academy’s Nordic prize.

Sara Danius, the then permanent secretary, welcomed the hundreds of guests with a lot of held back articulated speech. On the same morning, and had it Express posted the now-infamous-and even then, the nedriga the post from the In london and new york , in which he, among other things, called Danius, the worst of the permanent secretary of the Academy has had in over 200 years.

Sara Danius the time to hand over the floor to Sara Stridsberg there was a thunderous round of applause. The first is a the usual clapping from the audience, as witnessed by a graduate of the academy, in a free fall, and a female permanent secretary in the attack. However, applåden went on and on, almost to an excessive amount of, given it’s a short speech. The seconds went by, the klappandet continued applåden was a strong signal from their friends, colleagues, and kulturpersoner, and members of the public, a virtually never-ending song of the male academicians, who were sitting in the first row with set to zero faces. Horace Engdahls face was impossible to interpret, and I will refrain from speculating, but there were several that looked a bit taken out.

Agneta Pleijel had its price, and gave her nice speech, skockades the journalists are a little bit unfair to not be around her, but around, and Sara Danius.

The relatively small number of kulturmännen was surrounded by women of all ages and abilities.

We look at each other through the crowd. We had a mejlat some of the other times before, and bit, she grabbed me. ‘Come, go with me here, as they are not able to ask more questions,” she whispered, and kilade place in a securely link their arms. Do it like on the set, or the women have done since time immemorial – it relies on other women, based on the systerskapet, take cover behind the others. A single woman can very easily end up being in a position of inferiority, even a permanent secretary of the country’s finest cultural institution, but, as Sara Danius, and knew how to play his cards.

this evening, and then Once and a couple of published plans of the behind the scenes of the torsdagsmötet in the same week to dedicate to their permanent secretaries, were, Sara, in haste commanded, that a lot of women, literature, and other skapandeyrken at the reception that followed the awards ceremony.

this is one of The relatively few kulturmännen was surrounded by women of all ages, and no one will believe that it is one-to-one domination of women, and, in any case, this evening was not of the essence. These are the male members of which for so long have been accustomed to surround themselves primarily with other men, looked undeniably pretty of choices, when all of these kulturkvinnor stood around the white, and the snittarna, and took their seats, talking, laughing, and … well, just existing.

I have to admit I was in tears a few days later, as Sara Danius was on the Börshusets flight of stairs, and announced his retirement, and like so many times before, I was struck that one of the crippling sense of loss, at a higher level than that which is purely of a personal nature. They may not win it, I do remember that I was thinking about. They do not believe that they have what they have.

a week later, I was one of the speakers at the knytblusmanifestation, which took place at Stortorget (the main square adjacent to the Academy, the torsdagsmöte. Sarah knew that she wasn’t able to be there, and she wasn’t even involved in the creation, but when I stood up on the stage and saw how many thousand of spectators, has taken over the whole square, how they were hanging out by the kontorsfönster their knytblusar, sitting in the midst of the people went out into the streets, I did send a quick mms to the Children. So, she wanted to know, so she would know how many people are standing behind her.

We were talking about cancer, and they agreed that it is jävlig to even talk about, so great is the fear.

I don’t claim to have known Sarah, as well as those who have done it for many years, but in the strange years that followed the scandal involving the Swedish government, I was fortunate enough to get to some of the deeply-interesting conversation with this remarkable woman. We are talking about cancer, and they agreed that it is jävlig to even talk about, so great is the horror, but she could not, in the next moment, speak for a long time about all the great new advances in cancer care and call himself an expert, from the inside out.
by Katarina Wennstam, when she talks to outside of the stock exchange, to Sara Danius’s defense. Photo by: < / b> JONAS EKSTRÖMER/TT,

She was, in a strange way, more fascinated than afraid, though I’ll never forget the domedagsstämningen, which was a long walk, we took the Southern heights on new year’s day 2019. While the darkness descended upon the lovely city, she spoke in detail about the ugly the disease is and how she is now, she said, ”embarked on a much narrower path to the future”, but she was still full of hope.

Confidence in the science, to the advance of technology, those with knowledge greater than hers, was just as complete as that of a man who truly loved the truth and the facts. And that was precisely the truth of the matter is, we often talked about, and to believe that those who witness the abuse are telling the truth. It is no small thing, and she was able to say, and at the same time, getting it right is simple, of course.

She said that she did the right thing when she’s advokatutredning in order to bring out at the same time, Miller-Arnault . She found that the alleged crimes should be handed over to the judicial authorities.

and Then, of course, so simple and at the same time, so complicated and so controversial to some.

the Young girls and the elderly women who walked up while we were sitting in a café and only wanted to express his appreciation of the human dignity.

Now, it is clear that Sarah, whose career and track record, already long, was torn away far too early. So much so that she had to do, so many people struggle to do. I have been in the time since we got to know each other, got to see how loved and respected she was. Young girls and elderly women who walked up while we were sitting in a café and only wanted to express his appreciation of her dignity and her concern about how she was forced to remove. Sarah thanked him, always polite, but pointed, then at me, and gave me to someone new and the closest to the excessive introduction, and to let, so to speak, the glory to spill over. Each and every time.

< Knytblusupproret in the Old town. Photo by: < / b> JONAS EKSTRÖMER/TT

Systerskapet supported Sara, the one where horrible in the spring, and she was supportive in return. With their heads held high and your back straight. She was a decent secretary, who history will show was worth so much more than a collection of räddhågsna men. Last Friday, I was in a conversation with one of the women who are affected by the Arnaults behavior, and the Academy of tystnadskultur, and she said, how much of Sara Danius’s behaviour in the autumn of 2017, the influence of the women’s sense of justice. < / span> < / span>

” Katarina Wennstam is a writer, journalist and broadcaster, as well as the staff of the Swedish newspaper Expressen kultursida. Her most recent novel is ”Wolf”.

READ MORE: : Sara Danius had the ability to steal the show. READ MORE: , the two Sentences by Danius, which had already become a classic. READ MORE: “I’m hanging up my black knytblus

” Katarina Wennstam in a talk at the book Fair in Gothenburg, sweden with director of cultural affairs, Karin Olsson of ”the Wolf,” and the women’s movement’s struggle .
