The democratic congressman of the united States Rashida Tlaib has cancelled his trip to the west bank to visit their families after having received this Thursday the authorization of the Government of Israel. The representative for the State of Michigan, born in Detroit in the midst of a family of immigrants, palestinians obtained israeli permission to meet with your grandmother more than 90 years, and other relatives in a village next to Branch, as announced by the minister of Interior, Arye Dery, in a decision based exclusively on “humanitarian grounds”. The working visit scheduled for Tlaib along with the also muslim and democrat from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, was banned on Thursday for the support that both have given in the past to the campaign of Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS), which pursues the international isolation of Israel to put an end to the occupation.


The congressmen that is a distraction to Trump

“I Cannot allow that the State of Israel I humble as well and use my love to my grandmother for their policies, oppressive and racist,” said Tlaib in your account in Twitter to suspend the trip. “‘t make me silent and treat me like a delinquent, is not what she (my grandmother) I would like to,” he warned. “It would be like killing a part of me. That’s why I decided to visit my grandmother in these oppressive conditions goes against all that I believe,” argued his decision along with the labels “Fight against racism”, “oppression” and “injustice” added to the tweet. From 2017, the israeli Government prohibits by law the entry into the country of the foreign supporters of the boycott of the jewish State. For access to the west bank, territory militarily occupied since 1967, it is necessary to pass through border controls in the hands of Israel.

The minister Dery, leader of a party ultra-orthodox jew, had left the door open to the possibility that Tlaib received the visa in the same order as the prohibition of their announced tour. He was offered permission to do a private tour if you promised not to promote the campaign BDS during your visit. The democratic congressman sent a letter to the minister of the Interior on the evening of Thursday, requesting permission to visit his nonagenaria grandmother and other family members in the village west bank of Beit Ur al Fauqa, west of Ramallah. “It may be my last chance to see my grandmother”, he argued in the paper published in facsimile by the press, the Hebrew, in which in addition to undertook literally to “respect any restriction and does not promote boycotts of Israel during the visit”.

In the press release in which it reported the authorization of entry to the country to the congressman, the Interior Ministry warned also that Tlaib should “comply with their obligations during the visit, you will have to have a content exclusively humanitarian”. The democratic representative from Michigan, had already shown through Twitter, his refusal to veto israeli working visit planned: “The decision to prohibit passage of a congressional american is a sign of weakness [of Israel], since the truth about the situation of the palestinians is appalling”. Now seems to have retracted the letter sent to you and you have cancelled the initial decision to travel alone in a private manner, under a humanitarian parole, and without being able to make political statements.

Despite the fact that the israeli ambassador in Washington, Ron Dermer, had announced last month that it was not going to deny entry visa to Omar or Tlaib, in attention to its condition of members of congress, the Netanyahu Government gave back to the petition of Donald Trump. The republican president increased this week, the pressure for Israel to veto the entry of both congressmen, are located in the section of the Democratic Party more critical of its policy and launched a mule to the israeli prime minister on Thursday via Twitter.

“would Show a great weakness that Israel would allow the visit of the representatives Omar and Tlaib. They hate Israel and all the jewish people, and there is nothing that can be said or done to make them change their opinion,” she tweeted. Less than half an hour later, the Foreign Ministry announced the prohibition of the tour of the two democratic representatives-muslim, who had planned to visit Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron and Bethlehem, invited by the organization Miftah, headed by the leader of the history of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine Hannan Ashrawi.

The conservative Netanyahu, with the decision to veto congress may have placed in question the special relationship and strategic that Israel maintains with the united States, the guarantor of its defense in a region hostile to the jewish State, to offend the democrats, and to abide by the dictation of the republican Trump against the national interest of israel to maintain close ties with the two main parties in the US.