In the Balearic islands the ecosoberanistas of Més per Mallorca, historical partners of the PSOE government in the community, they have in their hands the development of the linguistic policy regional, as happened in the last legislature. The balance of power between United we Can and Més per Mallorca, traveling companions of the president Francina Armengol, resulted in the creation of the regional vice-ministry of University, Research and Language Policy, managed by the ecosoberanistas but dependent on the ministry of Education in the hands of the PSOE.


The use of Catalan in the yard falls to the half primary to secondary school, according to a study what Is the Spanish discriminated against in Spain?

This department is headed by Agustina Vilaret, which is currently the only member of the regional Government from Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC). The formation Catalan, with implementation in the islands, agreed to go to the polls integrated in the list of Més per Mallorca, which brings also to profiles from other formations. The new secretary regional campaigns on CKD since 2010, is a graduate in History and for 30 years was a teacher in an institute of Secondary Education. At the end of the last legislature took possession of his birth certificate representative following the departure of two comrades of the party and did not hesitate to display the yellow ribbon in favor of the pro-independence prisoners and attend rallies organized to support policy-makers and activists Catalan imprisoned.

With a political profile, discreet, one of his first actions was the reception to a worker from the airport of Palma alleged to have suffered a case of linguistic discrimination on the part of agents of the Civil Guard.

The agreements signed last July by the parties that integrated the pact of government in the Balearic islands —PSOE, Més per Mallorca and United we Can— collect as one of the goals of this legislature to guarantee the right of citizens to be cared for in the two official languages of the community and the creation of an office of the defence of linguistic rights.

The language policy ceased to be one of the main reasons of concern for the parties of the left, when the socialist Francina Armengol came to power in 2015 and in its first governing Council buried the decree of the Integrated Treatment of Languages in the classroom imposed by the Executive of the then president of the PP, José Ramón Bauzá. A system that minimized the hours of teaching in Catalan and put on a war footing a large part of the constituency of education of the Balearic islands, who took to the streets to protest in the manifestation most massive that can be remembered in the islands.

The last parliamentary term socialist was marked by the protests of a part of the health sector, which requires knowledge of a basic level of Catalan to be able to promote and ask for transfers, but whose learning is not compulsory to get a job.