Paul Married insists on appearing jointly with Citizens and Vox if Pedro Sánchez does not achieve the necessary support for its endowment, and repeated the general elections on November 10. “If there were new elections, the smart thing would be to come to some kind of electoral alliance, agreement or strategy to go to the polls so that the proportionality of election does not rob the translation of votes into seats favoring the left,” said the leader of the PP in the possession of Isabel Diaz Ayuso as president of Madrid. Citizens and Vox reject the proposal.


The PP rules over 21.7 million of Spanish thanks to the support of Cs and Vox The PP registers the mark Spain Sum to export the model of coalition with Cs

The PP has requested the registration of the mark Spain Sum, based on the coalition with Citizens and UPN that won the elections in Navarre. The covenants post-election made it possible for the Government of the socialist María Chivite with Geroa Bai and we Can and supported from the outside by I-E. The abstention of five of the seven representatives of EH Bildu was decisive. “That platform took many months of talks. Bet was a bold and responsible and a success despite the fact that the PSOE, with PNV and Bildu, do not allow him to govern” has claimed to be Married.

The leader of the opposition, which persists in its proposal to Albert Rivera and Santiago Abascal, has stressed that the formula chosen would be “an electoral platform for a time in Spain”. To Married, “the center and the right, if you want to win and govern, you have to go to united, which doesn’t mean that we lose our acronym, personality, career, or program.” The proposal, emphasized in the address of the PP, it should not be interpreted as a “challenge” to Citizens. But invite Rivera to “decide if it is compatible with their strategies.” Also Vox.

Married has coincided at the reception at the seat of Government of the Community of Madrid with Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros and Dew Monastery, partner and spokespersons respective Vox in the Congress and the Assembly of Madrid. The president of the PP has shared for a quarter of an hour with the leaders of the party to which he himself, after signing the 28 of April, the worst result of the PP in a general, defined as “ultra-right”. “The fragmentation of the right, was lethal,” he acknowledged Married.

According to the calculations used in the dome of the address of the PP, the 28-To have obtained 21 seats in the constituencies less populated if Vox had not been presented to the elections. The impact of the presence of the party of Santiago Abascal, especially in the 28 provinces depopulated, intensified the debacle of the popular. In the street Genoa claim that an electoral coalition would have benefited a lot in the Senate, which would have been obtained by 40 senators, of which two-thirds would have applied to Citizens. The PSOE won an absolute majority in the upper House.