Since his earliest childhood, Julie Narbey knows that she wants to work in the culture sector. This Nancy academic background, impeccable – Sciences Po Paris, ENA… – will therefore find his first job at the ministry of culture and communication, before becoming HR director of the Quai Branly, the director-general delegated to the Palais de Tokyo… and director-general of the Pompidou Centre, for almost two years. It has been almost a year, the centre has launched “School Pro”, a training for employees of the company. His mission? Light, under a different angle, their problems, and develop curiosity and creativity. The groups BPCE Vivendi or Kering have already participated in these courses, which have hosted a total of 250 people.
Find all the guests of the Talk the decision-Makers on the site and in replay on Figaro Live.
This training takes place in a space unusual modular, specially designed by a designer, the heart of the museum. Example of training? The theme: the art of engagement, with the agency Thinkers & Adopters, which took place at the end of the month of January. What are the benefits for the employees who participate in these courses? “They allow them to think differently, and to have conversations innovative artists,” explains Julie Narbey. Art can help businesses to be more creative.”