Truce in Chemnitz while re are criticisms against Police

Angela Merkel, ultras: “The hatred in street does not fit in Germany”

A crime to inflate xenophobia in Germany

The tension that is lived se days in streets of Chemnitz moved this Wednesday to offices of German police, questioned by authorities of country by leaking of a secret document key in investigation of events of se days. This is dossier of order of detention of a young iraqi who is reportedly related to murder of a German citizen, a crime that triggered wave of violence and ultra xenophobic which lives in saxon town since Sunday.

The document was broadcast on networks social by party of populist, anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), group ultra Pro, Chemnitz, and or small groups of extreme right, in ory with aim of inflame in marches and violent persecution of migrants that has taken place se days in municipality.

orwise, after three consecutive days of protests in saxon city, on Wednesday, re have been no clashes and city returned to relative normality. A stillness that seems to precede a new strikes from this storm xenophobic that broke out after death of a German citizen on Sunday in a scuffle allegedly with dyes racist. For Thursday, is expected a march called by ultras Pro Chemnitz, main instigator of protests.

The police, that it was surprised by violence of demonstrations Sunday and Monday, and that was criticized for not having planned enough effective, prepare for a large deployment to meet new clashes. In addition, for Saturday, party AfD and group Pegida (acronym in German of Patriots against Islamization of West) have called for his acolytes to follow a silent march from five in afternoon.

in Meantime, minister of family affairs of executive German Franziska Giffey confirmed that you will be attending Friday to Chemnitz. Giffey, social democratic SPD, was “appalled” by wave of violence and warned against instrumentation have made radical on assassination Sunday. The minister said wanting to give “a boost to city and to be involved for democracy in Chemnitz”.

A move that has earned him praise from German society, which welcomed representatives of established parties to engage in combat on spot hate speech. Something that has avoided Interior minister, Horst Seehofer, whose late reaction sparked criticism.

If in Saxony, xenophobic discourse wins every day more followers, it is in part due to party AfD. This training xenophobic was party with most votes in region and has in this ‘land’ of former German Democratic Republic your main fief election. Yesterday, its chairman Alexander Gauland defended protesters: “When State cannot protect because of citizens, people come out to street and protects itself. Plain and simple!”, he said in an interview to newspaper ‘Die Welt’. The populist leader said that “it is an obligation to citizens to stop ‘migration of knife’ that brings death”, and expressed view that “when a crime like this, it is normal for people to exploit”.
