In case of Anis Amri, left, Greens and FDP want to complain about file. Until now, Committee of Inquiry in Bundestag did not have any inspection of papers of Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and Federal Office for Protection of Constitution (BfV). Now coordinators of political groups made a corresponding request to Federal Supreme Court.

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The parties want to know which documents two authorities had passed on to parliamentary control body responsible for control of secret services. Previously, an application for proof had been rejected in Committee of Inquiry with votes of SPD and Union.

The Green Bundestag group deputy Konstantin von Notz said that he had impression that federal government had “a tactical relationship with truth”. She was “in a salami tactic” after attack. Only assassin was described as a petty criminal. Later it turned out that Amri had Salafistenkreisen with knowledge of authorities and was monitored since December 2015.

On 19 December 2016, Anis Amri had controlled a stolen truck into a crowd at Christmas market at Berliner Breitscheidplatz. Twelve people died at attack. Amri fled to Italy, and four days later he was shot by a police officer in Milan. The terrorist militia is known to attack.

There are many inconsistencies concerning work of authorities in this case. At beginning of March, Bundestag set up a committee of inquiry. In addition, investigative committees of national parliaments of Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia deal with suspected investigational breakdowns.