The budgetary ban on US government – so-called government shutdown – is expected to be lifted shortly. The Senate members voted with necessary majority to end debate on transitional budget. In a furr step, board will now quickly agree to negotiated package. After that, House of Representatives has to give its assent and president Donald Trump will sign package before government can fully resume its work. The transitional budget is already fourth in succession and is intended to secure government’s funding by 8 February.

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As early as Thursday last week, House of Representatives agreed to a transitional financing which, however, did not find a majority in Senate a day later. Since n, Democrats and Republicans have discussed conditions for a transitional budget. After intensive negotiations behind closed doors, a group of about 20 members achieved a breakthrough on Monday. “We will vote today to reopen government,” announced opposition leader in Senate, Chuck Schumer.

In addition to financing Government by 8 February, package also foresees a multi-year continuation of a child health programme called chip.

With ir approval of package, Democrats gave up ir delay tactics. However, y have not yet achieved ir objectives, particularly in immigration policy. In negotiations, Democrats had agreed to budget in particular for protection of 700,000 young migrants – so-called Dreamers. They are threatened with deportation from 5 March because US president Donald Trump had invalidated Daca protection program last fall. Daca for DeferredAction for childhood arrivals. Theprogram gives young people who have come illegally to United States as children with ir parents, so far a provisional protection status. So y were protected from deportation, were able to work and study in USA.

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The Democrats want to ensure that dreamers are guaranteed protection status by law. According to Schumers, compromise in budget dispute now foresees that a settlement of immigration issues will be negotiated in Senate by 8 February. There is now a real way to get a law through Senate, says Schumer. Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he hoped that by 8 February re would be a non-partisan regime on immigration, border security, disaster relief, military spending and or contentious issues. US President Trump specifically calls for funding for his prestige project of a wall along border with Mexico.

Trump and Democrats give each or blame

The Democrats had criticized in recent days that Trump is constantly changing demands in migration policy. That is why re has been no agreement on transitional budget for days. Trump, in turn, wrote on Twitter, Democrats would have provoked shutdown to satisfy ir leftist voter base. The opposition has ” service and security for citizens to ensure service and security for non-citizens,” tweeted Trump.

In tweet, US president referred to both clashes in immigration policy and fact that on Monday tens of thousands of state employees were on a forced leave – a direct consequence of shutdowns. Unlike President, civil servants worked with police, secret services, or Militäraber with essential and hoheitlichenAufgaben. Specifically, it concerns NSA intelligence service, FBI, or TSA Transport Security Agency, air traffic controllers, border guards, and food inspectors.

Or federal agencies, however, showed much of ir concern not to come to work. That concerned about 850,000 employees. Salary payments to federal employees were suspended until end of shutdown.

Four shutdowns since 1990

The budgetary ban had already entered into force on Saturday night, after Senate had not reached necessary majority. The Republicans have over 51 of 100 seats in Congress chamber. However, at least 60 votes are required for adoption of budget.

The budget blockade over overshadowed first anniversary of Trump’s presidency on Saturday. Since 1990, re have been four shutdowns of federal government in USA. Lastly, this 2013 was case. At that time, government standstill lasted 16 days.