Should SPD enter into coalition negotiations with union? If she rejects it, it playfully plays a big opportunity to bring a turnaround herbeizuführenund Europe back toger with macron in European politics. That weighs very hard.

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But Creatinga approval poses significant risks. Although SPD has been improving in social UndBildungspolitik, and especially in European politicians, in probing. They form a starting point for social democratic politics.

But in derMigrations and integration politics it has come too far to CSU: “upper Limit” Istzwar only formulated as a statistical expectation, but neverless suggests that SPD could recognize it. The establishment of refugee centres prevents integration, promotes crime within refugee camps undschadet so equally to refugees and security in Germany.

Umgekehrtmuss you ask: Where have CDU and CSU actually made concessions? I sehekeine. The CDU has also apparently gone into DieSondierung without content that was important to it. Schulz Stehtgegen two parties, one of which is mainly interested in preservation of power and or only with good election results in Bavaria, which shows m rigorously and without inhibitions in geringschätzungs attacks against SPD. The Istkaum is an initial position for a fair, prosper cooperation. Keineinhaltliche conviction is not cheaper because Esdann is always about power tactics and re is no content brake gegenÜbertrumpfungen.

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Is SPDtrotzdem to go into coalition negotiations? Not unconditionally. The consent of members of SPD should depend on wher social-democratic achievements can be implemented and SPD again politically recognizable and profiled. Since re are wenigVertrauen between coalition partners, SPD’s approval depends on how Vereinbarungenim coalition agreement is spelled out and wher occupation DerMinisterien a social democrat new start convincing public can make clear.

This applies to social policy, in which, after all, re are also similarities with Union, perhaps more with CSU than with CDU. But it is particularly important in European politics. It is essential to have a social Democratic finance minister who really implements skizzierteneue European policy. The SPD would have offered several Kandidatenzu here: The former finance minister of NRW, Norbert Walter-Borjas, current Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Berlin finance Senator Matthias Kollatz-ancestors.

If, on or hand, Chancellery and Ministry of Finance remain in Union hands, we will not experience European departure. Twelve long JahreUnions European policies have brought EU apart more and more because it focused only on DeutscheInteressen, more precisely: on electoral successes of Union. This is also reason why so many European neighbors urge SPD to go to dieKoalition and to bring about a turnaround in European politics.

Europe officeisof risk worth going into coalition negotiations. But SPD must see this risk and face it strategically and vigilantly from outset.