In view of concerns in SPD against a renewed grand coalition, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) referred to concessions made by Union in consultation. CDU and CSU had made “bitter concessions”, CDU chairman said. The Union parties could “but answer paper and believe that it is a good basis for coalition negotiations.”

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In parts of SPD, it has been discussed for days wher a new alliance with CDU and CSU really wants to be dealt with. The concerns relate, on one hand, to an alliance with union itself, but also to content negotiated in consultation, for example in tax policy or health system. On a Sunday in Bonn, Social Democrats will decide, on basis of exploratory result, wher to hold coalition talks with union.

SPD chairman Martin Schulz has been promoting approval of so-called Groko opponents for days. This is by no means certain: in past few days, several SPD country associations have already voted against opening of coalition negotiations.

Cornerstones for Merkel no longer negotiable

However, Schulz had recently expressed hope that his party could, in coalition negotiations with union, enforce furr content that goes beyond exploratory result. An exploratory paper is not a coalition treaty, it may be that “things can be added that things are furr deepened,” said Schulz after a visit to Bavarian SPD Landtag faction in Swabian Monastery of Irsee.

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However, Merkel made it clear that cornerstones of exploratory result could no longer be negotiated. “But re are coalition negotiations that will spell out some of m,” said CDU chairman. In addition, issues that have not yet been discussed will be discussed in coalition talks.

In weeks following Bundestag election in September, Schulz and SPD leaders vehemently opposed a new edition of a grand coalition. Many social Democrats are now criticizing fact that SPD’s handwriting is lacking in exploratory result, such as citizen’s insurance policy or an end to non-material limitation of employment contracts. The SPD leadership must, in particular, make necessary convincing work on basis.

After two years, SPD wants to take a balance

Secretary General Lars Klingbeil promised that after two years an interim report would be drawn up. In contrast to Stuttgart newspaper and Stuttgart news, he said that SPD also wanted to commit implementation deadlines for legislative projects. “We should also provide individual laws with specific timetables in possible coalition negotiations,” Klingbeil said.

In talking to time online, he also referred to preamble of exploratory paper, in which “we understood that we made mistakes”. It is now a question of regaining trust. This is possible “by improving life of Menschenim everyday,” Klingbeil said.

SPD parliamentary director Carsten Schneider called on delegates of Sonderparteitags to vote for coalition negotiations. This is because 600 delegates would give more than 400,000 SPD members chance to decide on continuation of grand coalition. After concluding coalition talks, SPD wants to have its basis voted on outcome.

The circle of shelter warns of elections

The conservative group of Social Democratic Party of SPD warned opponents of a coalition with union against consequences of a No. “If SPD were to refuse a ‘ GroKo ‘ on Sunday, it would risk a crash of 15 to 16 percent in case of a reelection,” said one of spokespersons of group of Sesames, Edgar Franke, Focus online. The SPD will not recover in long term.

Several SPD Lord mayors from eight federal states also promote coalition negotiations with union. “The possibility of shaping social democratic policies for people should not be knocked down”, says a letter from Lord Mayors of Düsseldorf, Bielefeld, Gelsenkirchen, Munich, Hanover, Mainz , Saarbrücken, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg, Mannheim, Kiel and Leipzig.

The points put forward by SPD in exploratory talks for benefit of municipalities would now have to be concretized, it says. “The municipal level must be so equipped that we can provide necessary municipal investment and public services to citizens.” Exploratory results, such as basic pension, a “sensible immigration law” and commitment to a strong Europe, also deceive “clearly social democratic handwriting”.

Merkel, in her own words, insists that SPD will make a “responsible decision” at party congress on Sunday. They wish for a “successful party congress in sense of opening of coalition negotiations,” Chancellor said.