Pope Francis has called on outgoing and future government of Chile to work for youth and indigenous peoples of country. Democracy should not remain a formality, he said in Santiago before government representatives and diplomats. Especially old-established peoples were “often neglected”, Francis said with regard to Mapuche. One can learn from ir wisdom, “that re is no development for a people who turn ir backs on earth and all and all who surround it,” Francis said.

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During a subsequent service with about 400,000 people in a park in capital, pope also called population to peaceful construction of a “new Chile”. The point is to “get your hands dirty and work for ors to live in peace,” Francis said. In his sermon, he quoted Santiago’s former Cardinal Raúl Silva (1907 – 1999): “If you want peace, work for justice.” The pope criticized resignation, paralyzing movement and escaping from problems.

It is first visit of a pope in Chile since 1987. The streets of Santiago were lined in some places by people. Many were travelling with flags.

Pope asks abuse victims for forgiveness

But for days, pope’s visit also provides for criticism and protests. Representatives from poor neighborhoods criticized that people from low-income neighborhoods had little opportunity to see Francis.

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There were also demonstrations against sexual abuse in church already on Monday evening. Francis addressed subject in his speech and asked victims and relatives for forgiveness. “I cannot help expressing pain and shame that I feel in face of irreparable damage that children have been inflicted on by clergy,” he said, receiving long applause.

While Francis spoke in Santiago, according to Chilean news portal 24 Horas, on a main road in south of metropolis, numerous demonstrators gared, who wanted to protest against visit of head of church with a “march of Poor”. Or sources talked about 250 participants. The police used water cannons and tear gas. Six people were arrested. There were no reports of possible injuries.

Protests and burning churches

A few hours after pope’s arrival, two chapels near Chilean town of Cunco were destroyed by arson attacks. Already on weekend re were several arson attacks on churches in Santiago. The perpetrators had left leaflets, which also supported Mapuche’s claims for autonomy.

There were also protests in sourn Chile. About 30 people were arrested. The demonstrations were directed against outgoing government of socialist Michelle Bachelet, who did not show pope correct picture of Chilean reality. According to local media reports, some pro-Mapuche demonstrators also joined protest trains.

Before pope’s visit, members of Association of missing victims from military dictatorship of Pinochet had also contacted Pope and asked for assistance. Three representatives of organization are expected to meet Francis on Thursday. The pope should tell military “that re must be an end to secret collusion and concealment. We want to know where our relatives are – without exception, “said one of victims ‘ representatives.

In Chile, about 33,000 people were imprisoned and tortured for political reasons, according to official information. About 3,200 died of consequences of state violence, 1,192 disappeared without trace.