At largest German Silvesterpartyam Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, re is for first time a retreat area called FürFrauen on “Women’s safety area”. There Stehenkrisengeschulte helper of Red Cross ready to help women who feel sichbelästigt or uncomfortable. “We offer it if someone should Bedarfhaben to talk,” said speaker of event, Anja Marx.

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The German police department does not have any of this safety zone for women. “In order to sagtman that re are zones of security and zones of uncertainty”, KRITISIERTEIHR chairman Rainer Wendt in new Osnabrücker newspaper. That is Eineverheerende message and end of equal rights, freedom of movement UndSelbstbestimmit. “Werauf Such an idea does not understand political dimension.” Women should be safe everywhere, demanded Wendt.

Support for establishment of “Women’s sSafety area”, however, came from police union, which daraufhinwies that Berlin police had such a Schutzzoneempfohlen to organiser. “It is to do what helps people”, Twittertedie GDP, who at same time criticized Wendt for his utterance: “Sicherheitsmaßnahmenals bad symbolic politics has nothing to do with police work.”

Police want to protect women consistently

DieBelästigung of women out of crowds is an issue since two years ago in Cologne on New Year’s Eve came to serious incidents. There hattenüberwiegend from North African region perpetrators at and in central station sexual assaults on women and DIEBSTAHLSDELIKTEVERÜBT. The police were not able to stop bulk of deeds at that time and not help victims.

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In Berlin, police want to prevent solcheSzenen. “No means no, and if perpetrator keeps dannnicht, we step in,” said her spokesman Thomas Neuendorf. Last year’s Eve, re were 14 ads in capital city of Wegensexueller crimes, two of m because of rape or severe coercion.

Police officers are available in two mobilenWachen in containers on fairgrounds. In crowd, civil servants will be in uniform and civil. Although missiles and firecrackers are prohibited on Partystrengstens, fire brigade also sets up two mobile guards in anor mile. 140 medics are used at Unfallhilfsstellen.

Between Brandenburg Gate and Victory column, Hunderttausendeunter will welcome motto “Welcome 2018” with a mild but moist Wetterdas New year. In addition to fireworks at midnight, a concert with Spider Murphy gang, Oli P, Micar and Conchita will magically party guests.

For security precautions, organizer gives a six-figure sum, said spokeswoman Anja Marx. In addition to festival area, surrounding Tiergarten with double ZÄUNENABGESPERRT, around 500 folders will be in use. Concrete bollards Secure DieZufahrten, suitcases and backpacks must stay outside, pocket Werdendurchsucht.