BEST: The Montreal COP15 agreement to protect biodiversity and ecosystems.

WORST: Trudeau’s Cabinet, including Steven Guilbeault, approves the massive “Bay du Nord” oil extraction project, a ticking time bomb in a sensitive marine ecosystem.


BEST: Two courageous Chief Justices, Lucie Rondeau of the Court of Quebec and Marie-Anne Paquette of the federal Superior Court are doing everything in their power to save our justice system, the backbone of our democracy.

WORST: Criminals are released without trial, due to excessive delays. It takes up to two years to get access to small claims. It is sorely lacking in clerks and other officers. The system is in tatters both provincially and federally, and Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette seems just as unable as his Ottawa counterpart, David Lametti, to find solutions.


BEST: Three Parti Québécois deputies decide to say “no thank you” and refuse to take the oath to the king of a foreign country.

WORST: Vladimir Putin launches a genocidal war against Ukraine, violating all international rules.


BEST: Trudeau who, abroad, calls out the Chinese president for his interference in our elections.

WORST: The same Trudeau comes home and says he actually knows nothing about Chinese interference in our elections…


BETTER: The Quebec government continues to post one of the best economic results in Canada.

WORST: Pierre Poilievre tells Canadians that cryptocurrencies protect against inflation, but over the past year Bitcoin has lost 65% of its value.


BEST: People on the front lines of our healthcare system during the pandemic. Their everyday heroism is beginning to be understood and appreciated. Let’s hope that during their negotiations, Quebec will take this into account.

WORST: Trudeau retains some ministers who should have been replaced. Unable to issue a passport, handle immigration or administer air transport, a general impression of incompetence emerges and an overhaul is in order.


BEST: The appointment of Christian Dubé.

WORST: The inability of most provinces to engage constructively to find a new funding formula. Quebec seems more open and could agree quickly.


BEST: 90% of people who live in the greater Montreal area can hold a conversation in French, a summit.

WORST: Jean Boulet’s racist falsehoods against immigrants which, according to Legault, disqualify him. Shortly after, Legault renewed his confidence by appointing Boulet to the Council of Ministers …


BEST: The appointment of Martin St-Louis as head coach of CH.

WORST: Hockey Canada. Hiding facts surrounding sexual assaults by players is a national disgrace to our national sport.


BEST: Dominique Anglade who, head held high, leaves the helm of the S.S. Minnow, a.k.a., the Liberal Party of Quebec.

WORST: Pierre Fitzgibbon is still a minister, with the full confidence of Legault, despite his numerous faults and ethical investigations.

I wish you ONLY THE BEST, for 2023!