The Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing (Asanec) has requested this Thursday from the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia the increase in training places for specialists in Family and Community Nursing (EFyC) in order to “enhance the specific EFyC profiles and guarantee citizen attention in Primary.”

This Saturday, selective tests for access to the 2024 positions for Resident Intern Nurses (EIRS) will be held throughout Spain; test to access the Specialized Health Training in Nursing, which is held together with other professional categories such as medicine, pharmacy, psychology, among others. In the specific case of Family and Community Nursing, the number of positions offered this year in Andalusia is 129.

As explained by Asanec, “although the Department of the sector has increased the number of places in the last four years, they continue to be insufficient taking into account the benefit per number of inhabitants.” “Communities such as Castilla y León, with only 2,380,149 inhabitants, or Catalonia with 7,909,125 inhabitants, far exceed the number of FEyC training places offered,” Asanec has indicated.

The representatives of family and community nurses have detailed that, from 2020 to the current call for 2024, in Castilla y León a total of 429 positions have been announced and in Catalonia, 641 positions while the Andalusian Community registers only 412 positions. , in the same period.

The data, prepared by Asanec through the INE census and the calls for training places published in the BOE, show a significant gap in training places in EFyC by number of inhabitants in all the communities of the country and, in the case of Andalusia, the gap is the result of “past political decisions,” they have pointed out.

However, the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing has highlighted that Family and Community nurses are the professionals who work in Primary Care – health centers and clinics – “citizens’ gateway to the health system.”

“They carry out promotion and prevention work in the community and are references for care and for their families by developing different programs to detect health problems early and to advise and accompany when these diseases already exist,” they stressed.

“The objective of family and community nursing is to achieve recovery, with the highest possible quality of life, following up at all stages of life; from birth to the end of life.”

For this reason, “the work they carry out is of great value to maintain a healthy population,” they have insisted from Asanec, from where they highlight that they not only know all the members of their reference community but also their health problems; They prevent and promote health care and not only disease care, which directly benefits hospital care.

In addition, it designs and implements care plans adapted to the characteristics of each person, according to their needs, with diseases in agreement with the health team such as diabetes, COPD, obesity, high blood pressure, among others.

They collaborate in the training of new generations of Nursing Degree students and training specialists. They actively participate in different research projects to provide quality care based on the greatest scientific evidence.

It is worth remembering that this year the training offer for the six nursing specialties for the entire Spanish territory is 2,108 places, among which is the specialty of Family and Community Nursing (EFyC) whose specific training lasts two years, together with the four years of training for the Nursing Degree. This year’s training offer at the national level for this specialty is 891 places, of which 129 are assigned to Andalusia.

The Asanec requests the current Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs to continue promoting training places for specialists in EFyC so that the existence of specific Family and Community Nursing profiles can be guaranteed for the best possible care in Primary Care and we Let’s get closer to the current average reality in the Spanish Territory.

Asanec is the Andalusian Association of Family and Community Nursing made up of nurses from all over Andalusia who, without profit, work for and for the development of the profession.

Asanec, as a scientific society, pursues the improvement of healthcare quality at the community level from the defense of public health, influencing and dialoguing with the Administrations. Among its purposes is to provide training and research in nursing practice to offer quality care to the community, as well as to collaborate with other scientific societies and associations for the better development of the profession.