Madrid, April 11, 2023.

Saul Villeda and Tony Wyss-Coray, researchers from Stanford University discovered in 2014 that the transfusion of blood from a young mouse to an old one caused the rejuvenation of the brain and muscles of the old mice.

From Silicon Valley, the technological heart of the US, Forbes billionaires such as Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), Peter Thiel (co-founder of PayPal), Larry Ellison (co-founder of Oracle) or Elon Musk himself, among others, are studying all the biomedical innovations aimed at combating aging. In this sense, Dr. Manuel de la Peña, president of the European Institute of Health and Social Welfare and professor of cardiology, stresses that “there is numerous scientific evidence that shows that the purification of the blood improves the quality of life when used as therapy in numerous pathologies.Blood changes rejuvenate since they are based on a procedure called therapeutic apheresis, which is usually performed in large hospitals and which allows the patient’s blood to be purified through a machine extracorporeal circulation similar to dialysis, with the main purpose of extracting and eliminating from the plasma those components considered responsible for the pathogens of a disease, that is, it allows the selective elimination of immune complexes and other inflammatory markers in the blood”. This machine filters the blood through specific filters, which eliminate antibodies and inflammatory markers, and returns it clean to the patient. De la Peña adds that “it is like a washing machine where there are 17 different types of procedures, among which the procedures called immunoadsorption and plasmapheresis stand out.” It is used to modulate the immune response and rapidly decrease the components responsible for the disease, as well as to exert a beneficial effect by removing inflammatory mediators, with an immunomodulatory action. And he stresses that to use apheresis properly it is essential to rely on the Clinical Guidelines for Therapeutic Apheresis of the American Society of Apheresis published in the Journal of Clinical Apheresis and that this procedure “should be universalized as a therapeutic option for previously selected patients, since it is indicated in autoimmune diseases, heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension , dermatological, hematological, rheumatological, renal, vascular and metabolic diseases such as familial hypercholesterolemia, among others”. And he adds that it is also used to eliminate lipoprotein A, which is the most atherogenic fraction of cholesterol and causes myocardial infarction. On the other hand, he points out that blood changes to rejuvenate are being carried out in California, Miami and Switzerland, among other countries with good clinical results and that his idea is to launch a research study on plasmapheresis as antiaging. De la Peña, In addition to being a professor of cardiology, he is an Academician, he is a Doctor Cum Laude and a writer. The books he has published are: “Heart Treatise” (2010), “Patients’ Needs” (2010), “Cardiopatients” (2010), “Healthy Companies” (2010), “e-Health” (2010) , “Health Excellence: patients, innovation and technologies” (2009), “Patient Satisfaction” (2008), “Tobacco Control” (2006), “WHO Health Surveillance Guide” (2002), “Quality in Health Care” (1999), “Cardiocheck” (1993). And author of the blog El poder de curar.

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