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Pontevedra, March 6, 2023.

The hair transplant clinic expands its presence in the south of Galicia with the opening of a new practice in the city of Pontevedra

The prestigious Medical Hair, a leading clinic in the treatment of alopecia through hair micrografts, opens a new practice in Pontevedra with which it seeks to offer better attention to the needs of its clients. With this center they already have a clinic and two consultations in Galicia, thus consolidating their presence in the region. Personalized attention has been one of the qualities that have distinguished Medical Hair in its more than 20 years of experience. Aware of the importance that a precise study has in the treatment of alopecia, they are now opening a new practice in Pontevedra, which, together with the one in La Coruña and the Vigo clinic, add up to three centers in the community. “If you are looking for options to solve your hair loss, you may have considered the possibility of undergoing a hair transplant in Pontevedra.” In this way, and without leaving their city, the residents of Pontevedra will be able to receive a diagnosis made by Dr. Arturo González Marlia, hair surgeon and director of Medical Hair, who will assess which is the most appropriate treatment for your problem. And it is that Medical Hair is not only dedicated to FUE hair transplants (hair, beard or eyebrow microtransplants) using cutting-edge surgical techniques, but they also perform both micropigmentation and anti-loss treatments, to improve the health of the hair. In addition , and although the interventions carried out in Medical Hair are ambulatory, with local anesthesia, and are carried out in a few hours, the patients who travel to Vigo for the intervention will have a free hotel night so that the make the experience as comfortable as possible. With the opening of this clinic, Medical Hair demonstrates the extent to which it values ​​the care of its patients, while consolidating its presence in Galicia within a successful trajectory.

Contact Contact name: Arturo González Marlia Contact description: Arturo González Marlia Contact telephone number: 653 12 38 45