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-Moldova Innovation Technology Park presents a comprehensive IT investment guide highlighting technological potential

CHISINAU, Moldova, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Moldova is positioning itself as a rising technology hub with the publication of the “IT Investment Guide for Moldova”, prepared by Emerging Europe. This guide provides detailed information on Moldova’s dynamic IT sector and shows strategic advantages, opportunities and incentives for investors.

The Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP) is central to this transformation, driving the nation’s digital agenda and fostering a robust innovation ecosystem. MITP, which houses more than 21,190 IT specialists, contributes significantly to Moldova’s GDP and IT exports.

Key advantages of MITP:

Growth and achievements:

Moldova’s IT sector has shown remarkable growth and resilience. Between 2016 and 2022, the sector achieved a 37.1% annual revenue growth rate and 40% annual growth in IT exports. The IT sector now makes up a significant part of Moldova’s economy, with MITP accounting for approximately 80% of the sector and five percent of the country’s exports.

The guide highlights success stories of local and international companies thriving in Moldova’s business environment, including Amdaris, Endava, Bloomcoding and Crunchyroll. These companies have taken advantage of the benefits of MITP to expand and innovate in their respective fields.

Strategic positioning:

Moldova’s alignment with the European Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy increases its attractiveness to investors. The country’s commitment to digitalization is evident in its advanced public services and solid infrastructure. Moldova ranks highly in the IT Competitiveness Index, outperforming many regional peers in talent availability, business environment and economic impact.

A promising future:

Moldova’s digital transformation strategy aims for 100% digitalization of public services, setting a high standard for technology-driven economic development. For investors and companies exploring opportunities in Eastern Europe, Moldova offers a compelling proposition. The “IT Investment Guide for Moldova” showcases the country’s achievements and serves as a roadmap to its digital future.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2414983…

View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/moldova-innovation-technology-park-presenta-una-guia-completa-de-inversiones-en-ti-302149248.html