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Asturias, December 13, 2022

The leading lawyers in the Second Chance Law have 20,000 clients throughout Spain

The Mercantile Court No. 2 of Oviedo (Asturias) has issued the Benefit of Exoneration of Unsatisfied Liabilities (BEPI) in the case of a married couple that has been exonerated from a debt of 276,235 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENT”In this case – explain the lawyers of Repair your Debt – they got into debt trying to get a business that they had started up afloat. Despite the attempts made for several years, they finally had to give up. They began the process to start a new life from scratch”. The Second Chance Law was approved by the Spanish Parliament in 2015. Since then, individuals and the self-employed have resorted to this mechanism to reactivate themselves in economic life and cancel the debts they have contracted and which they cannot afford. A fundamental element to succeed in the process is to put yourself in the hands of a law firm with demonstrable success stories with sentences. In this sense, some of those exonerated also decide to take a step forward and tell their story of over-indebtedness firsthand and the result of the process that has led them to live free. The law firm has managed to exceed the figure of 110 million of euros exonerated to its clients. Since September 2015, it has been dedicated to the application of the Second Chance Law, which has given it leadership in this market. “People -explain the firm’s lawyers- who resort to this mechanism are already desperate because they have sought the solution to their problems in very different ways: requesting new credits, reunifying debts, closing businesses, etc. In this tool they have found the a real and effective way out of all your problems”. In order to benefit from the Second Chance Law, a series of prerequisites must be met. Among them, it is essential that the amount of the debt does not exceed 5 million euros or be considered a debtor in good faith who collaborates with the judge at all times by providing the required documentation, without hiding assets or income.

ContactContact name: David GuerreroContact description: David GuerreroContact telephone number: 655956735