The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, has branded the criticisms leveled at employment statistics as “absurd speech”, after the Government has recognized that the number of permanent-discontinuous workers in periods of inactivity not counted in the unemployment records ranged between 136,000 and 443,000 people in 2022.

“Ask a worker if he notices the difference between being intermittently permanent and having a temporary job,” Calviño snapped at the Vox spokesman, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, at the control session of Congress this Wednesday.

It is because of these alleged differences between one labor contract and the other that Calviño has described as “absurd” the arguments that, in his opinion, are poured out by PP and Vox to “try to hide the reality of the labor reform”, which in the opinion of the Minister has been “very positive” for the creation of quality employment and the increase in permanent employment.

Even so, the vice president has assured that the Government “has never denied the challenges”, and in fact has come to point out that the Executive “is very empathetic” and understands “very well” the difficulties that Spanish citizens are going through.

However, Espinosa de los Monteros has focused his intervention on arguing that “Spain is going badly”, and that proof of this is the “closed businesses”, the “broken families” and the “companies on the run”, in reference to the change from headquarters to the Netherlands of Ferrovial.

In fact, the Vox deputy has picked up the thread of a previous intervention in the Chamber and has accused the Government of “pyramid fraud”.

On this last point, Calviño ironized: “You know a lot about scams,” the vice president snapped at him for the conviction confirmed by the Supreme Court of Espinosa de los Monteros for trying to avoid paying for the works on his chalet.

With regard to the latest episodes with Ferrovial, the head of Economy has celebrated that the company has confirmed that Spain “is a country as advanced in terms of legal certainty as any other country in the European Union”, and that its decision to change headquarters is due to other reasons.

Ultimately, the minister stressed that the government’s economic policies “have done very well” for both companies and workers. As on other occasions, Calviño has stressed that proof of this is the 20.5 million members of Social Security, the rise in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage, the Minimum Vital Income and pensions.