The maximum amount per exploitation will be 500,000 euros


The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published this Wednesday the royal decree establishing the regulatory bases for the granting of aid to farms affected by the outbreak of sheep and goat smallpox for the repopulation of cattle slaughtered for milk production , meat or mixed reproduction.

The compensation provided for in the legal system to compensate for the mandatory slaughter decided by the competent authority has amounted to five million euros, paid 50% by the State and by the affected autonomous communities.

For the payment of these new aids for the repopulation of livestock, the Government will transfer a maximum of two million euros to the autonomous communities between the years 2023 and 2024.

In this way, the maximum amount of the aid will be the result of subtracting from the total cost of acquisition or leasing with the option to purchase the animals, the amounts received as compensation for the compulsory slaughter of the animals. The value added tax (VAT) will not be eligible, except when it is not recoverable for the beneficiary.

In the event that the number of animals purchased or leased with the option to purchase is less than that used to calculate the compensation for the compulsory slaughter of the animals, to calculate the maximum amount of the aid, it will only be subtracted from the cost. total acquisition or lease with the option to purchase the proportional part of the amounts received as compensation for the compulsory slaughter of animals which corresponds to the number of animals purchased or leased. In any case, the maximum amount per holding will be 500,000 euros.

This royal decree will enter into force as of tomorrow and the owners of sheep and goat breeding farms for milk production, breeding for meat production or mixed breeding in which sanitary emptying has been carried out, will be able to benefit from these subsidies. and that they have carried out the repopulation of the exploitation.

According to the BOE, the purchase or lease with purchase option of sheep or goats, for the repopulation of the farm, for the total number of breeding animals and reproducers that have been obligatorily slaughtered, may be financed. .

Thus, the subsidies will be granted to purchases or leases with the option to purchase made prior to the submission of the application within the three previous years or from the publication of the call, and may be granted to purchases or leases with the option to purchase multi-year execution provided that the provisions of article 57 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, are complied with.

Up to now, 26 outbreaks of sheep and goat pox have been detected in Spain, 13 of which are located in Andalusia and the same number in Castilla-La Mancha, for which 45,676 animals have been sacrificed (42,601 in Castilla-La Mancha and 3,075 in Andalusia ).

The Government considers that this livestock activity generates important positive externalities, such as ensuring equitable income levels between the different territories and fixing the population in rural areas.