The salaries of more than three million public employees will increase by an additional 0.5% from 2023, since the National Institute of Statistics (INE) announced this Tuesday that the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) last year reached 2.5%, exceeding the Government’s estimates by one tenth.

The agreement signed by the Government, CCOO and UGT in October 2022 included a salary increase for civil servants in 2023 of 3%, which would rise to 3.5% if nominal GDP exceeded that planned by the Government.

For these purposes, once the 2023 GDP progress data is published by the INE, the application of this 0.5% increase will be approved by agreement of the Council of Ministers, which will subsequently be published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). ).

As sources from the Executive confirmed to Europa Press, this Tuesday the Government confirmed that the conditions are met to apply the increase, but approval remains for another Council of Ministers.

Once approved, the salary of public employees would have risen another 3.5% in 2023, the same as in 2022. In principle, the salary agreement for 2023 included a fixed increase of 2.5%, but included two increases additional 0.5%, one linked to inflation and the other to economic growth.

Already last October, the increase of an additional 0.5% in the salary of all public employees was approved, with retroactive effects from January 1, 2023, because the IPCA for 2022 and 2023 – until September – exceeded 6%.

Today the second additional increase of 0.5% linked to the evolution of economic growth has been confirmed, which will soon be approved by the Council of Ministers.

For 2024, the text of the agreement contemplates a fixed salary increase of 2% based on the salaries already increased in the previous year. Additionally, if the sum of the variation in the IPCA for the years 2022-2024 exceeds the accumulated fixed remuneration increase for those same years, an additional and consolidated remuneration increase of 0.5% will be applied, with effect from January 1, 2024. .