Nearly 82% of all the contracts that will be signed in the Easter campaign will correspond to the hotel industry


Easter Week will generate around 84,750 contracts in Spain, which is 17.1% more than a year ago, when 72,399 were initialed, according to Randstad estimates. Even so, this volume is still 27% lower than the 116,115 contracts registered in 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic.

“After one year from the entry of the labor reform, which considerably influences the type and volume of hiring, it is very positive to see that, despite the economic uncertainty, forecasts indicate an increase in contracts compared to 2022” , highlights the director of Randstad Research, Valentín Bote, in the report published this Tuesday.

With regard to sectors, 81.6% of the 84,750 contracts that will be signed in the Easter campaign will correspond to the hotel industry. With more discrete weights are passenger transport (11.8%) and artistic and recreational activities (6.8%).

The forecasts made by Randstad reveal that recruitment will grow in all the autonomous communities of the country. Specifically, the greatest increases will occur in the Balearic Islands (25.1%), Navarra (23.4%), the Canary Islands (22.6%), the Valencian Community (20.6%) and Aragón (20.2%) , all of them above 20%.

With more moderate increases, but still above the employment average (17.1%), are Catalonia (18.1%), the Community of Madrid (17.8%) and Andalusia (17.3%).

Already experiencing increases below the average are Cantabria (15.6%), the Basque Country (14.8%), Castilla-La Mancha (14.3%), Castilla y León (13%), Galicia and Asturias ( 12.3%). The most modest increases will occur in Extremadura (11.3%), La Rioja (10%) and the Region of Murcia (9.3%).

At the provincial level, Teruel (30.8%), Las Palmas (24%), Huesca (22.7%) and Valencia (22.6%) will be the ones that register the greatest growth in recruitment at Easter compared to the last year. For their part, the most discrete increases will take place in Ávila (4.8%), Soria (7.5%), Lugo (7.7%) and Ourense (7.9%). Palencia will be the only province in which the contracting volume will fall, specifically 5.7%.

In absolute terms, the Randstad report highlights that Andalucía (18,510), Cataluña (11,370) and the Community of Madrid (10,710) are the regions where the most professionals will be incorporated, since they accumulate close to 48% of the total number of Easter Week hires .

According to the report, companies are looking for profiles with high availability and rapid adaptation to the position for this campaign, preferably with previous experience in the sector in which they carry out their activity.

On the other hand, Randstad indicates that it is common for companies to demand profiles with mastery of certain technological tools, not only because many jobs require mastery of platforms or applications specific to their sector, but also due to the notable increase in electronic commerce.

“It is recommended that professionals, regardless of their situation, do not lose sight of the skills and abilities most in demand in the labor market and continue training to improve their employability”, they insist from Randstad.