The General Export Price Index of industrial products registered an interannual decrease of 2.6% last August, moderating by one tenth the drop registered in July, as reported this Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). .

With the decline in August, the export prices of industrial products have chained five consecutive months of declines after they went negative in April after 27 months of year-on-year increases.

The year-on-year fall in August was due to the behavior of the prices of capital goods, which reduced their year-on-year rate by four tenths, to 3.2%, due to the lower prices in the manufacture of motor vehicles.

On the other hand, energy raised its interannual rate almost two points, to -38.5%, due to the increase in the cost of oil refining, while non-durable consumer goods increased their rate half a point, to 5.2%. , due to the higher cost in the manufacture of oils and fats.

Regarding the import prices of industrial products, they decreased by 9.4% year-on-year in August, increasing the decline in July by seven tenths and thus registering their biggest drop in 14 years, specifically since August 2009.

With the decrease in August, import prices are experiencing their sixth consecutive month of negative interannual rates.