Privacy is one of the few things that we still have a heritage from the “old” world. The “old world” being the days before the globalization of the world. We have moved a great distance both in technology and social ideologies since the beginning of the 20th century. Even though people could still communicate across the globe the time taken was long. Together with the slow means of travel, these were the forbearers of the global village that we live in. 

As the world continues to shrink and technology keeps advancing, a lot of information is being gathered. This is not something that started with the coming of the internet. From times before the internet was born, there was data collection. And even back then there were several instances were data was collected and people made money from it without the owner of the information getting anything in return.

Today things are much different. Not only are people’s personal data being used to line the pockets of a few people with gold the information is not being protected as it should. With the latest data encryption software protecting data is easier than ever. For example, if Australian online pokies real money can do it why can’t bigger organizations do the same?


DNA is the height of personal information. This is individual information that is kept at a cellular level within each person. Thus it is a treasure trove of information about a person. People often allow people to collect samples of their DNA. A move that has helped solve a lot of medical and law enforcement mysteries.

The problem is that while the general promise is to protect the data and destroy it once the purpose of the collection is done, we cannot trust this anymore. People who are in charge of the information have shown that they can easily share the information with people they trust. That is why most legit casino websites have start with HTTPS. These individuals are left to share our data at their own discretion. This can never be good.