Yuri Milner helped create a challenge called the Breakthrough Junior Challenge. The challenge is a worldwide competition that is designed to get teenagers thinking creatively about science and technology. Many youngsters have great ideas, they simply never get the platform to have those ideas be seen by people who can actually help them fund those ideas and further increase their education. Here is everything that you need to know about the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a challenge that is currently accepting applicants.

Overview of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is designed for students ages 13 to 18. These students can submit original videos, no longer than 90 seconds in length, that bring life science, physics, or mathematics concepts or theory to life in that video. Those videos are then judged based on a student’s ability to communicate that complex scientific idea in an engaging, imaginative, and unique way. The winner of the competition is awarded a prize to help fund their college career, helping them to do great things in the future.

Rules and Prizes

Several rules must be followed to be eligible to win this contest. Submissions must be created solely by the participant and they must be unique. The participant must also be enrolled in school and must be between the ages of 13 and 18. The submission must also be submitted no later than June 25, 2022, at 12:01 a.m. PST. For a complete list of rules, refer to the official rules here. The winner of the challenge receives a $250,000 post-secondary scholarship, a $50,000 prize for the teacher, and a $100,000 breakthrough science lab.

Yuri Milner’s Role In Founding the Challenge

Yuri Milner is one of the individuals who founded the Breakthrough Prize. This is a scientific award that gives $3 million each year to a number of researchers who have made advancements in mathematics, life sciences, or fundamental physics. While he is proud to be involved with the Breakthrough Prize, he wanted to do more to help young people with a passion for science, who could inspire or even one day  become the kind of great scientist who wins the Breakthrough Prize. This is where the Breakthrough Junior Challenge comes in.  Yuri Milner, and his wife Julia, founded this challenge specifically designed for high-school students.

The Past Winners

Since the program began in 2015, there have been many winners. The first winner in 2015 was an 18-year-old from America named Ryan Chester. In 2016, 17-year-old Deanna See from Singapore and 18-year-old Antonella Masini from Peru were joint winners. The 2017 winner was an 18-year-old from the Philippines named Hillary Diane Andales. Samay Godika, a 16-year-old from India, won in 2018. Jeffrey Chen, a 17-year-old from America, won in 2019. In 2020, Maryam Tsegaye, a 17-year-old from Canada, won the competition. And in 2021, Amber Kwok, an 18-year-old from Mauritius, was named the winner.

How Interested Individuals Can Apply

Submissions opened on April 1, 2022. If you are interested, you will want to visit the website here, create an account and then upload your submission. Be sure to follow all of the rules to ensure your submission counts and that you are eligible to win the final prize.

Yuri Milner was far-sighted to develop the idea of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge. He knows that inspiring young people with science and mathematics – and encouraging them to inspire each other – will help our civilization to advance in the future. If you are a young person and you would love to bring life science, physics, or mathematic concepts and theories to life, now is the time to do so. Be sure to submit your video to the Breakthrough Junior Challenge before the deadline.