Currently there are a total of 238 banners from 24 countries that have landed in Spain
France, the United States and Italy are the countries with the most franchises in Spain, according to data from the report ‘The Franchise in Spain 2023’, prepared by the Spanish Franchise Association (AEF).
Specifically, there are currently a total of 238 foreign brands established in the national territory, which come from a total of 24 countries, representing 17.4% of the Spanish franchise system.
Thus, France is the country with the most representation, with a total of 51 franchise chains in Spain, followed by the United States, with 46, Italy (43), and the United Kingdom and Portugal, with 16 brands.
They also have firms in the national market countries like Germany with a total of 12; Denmark with eight; Argentina and the Netherlands with seven; Belgium and Brazil with five; Switzerland with four; Canada with three; Australia, South Korea, Costa Rica and Sweden with two, while Austria, Colombia, Guatemala, Israel, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore have one banner.
The president of the AEF, Luisa Masuet, stressed that Spain “is an attractive market in terms of franchising for foreign brands”.