Have you ever seen the famous photo showing Babe Ruth pointing, with his stick, the precise place where he was going to send the ball in the stands?

It was October 1, 1932.

The New York Yankees faced the Chicago Cubs.

In the fifth inning, when the count was 4-4, “The Babe” came up to home plate and pointed with his stick to a flagpole that sat in the stands 440 feet in front of him.

First throw: a catch.

Second throw: another catch.

Third throw: boom! Ruth sent the ball exactly where he predicted moments earlier.


Well, that’s kind of what François Legault just did.

Oh, our PM has yet to hit a home run. But he announced where the ball would go if ever Quebec voters gave him a nice big stick the next time he showed up at home plate in a Quebec-Ottawa game.

“That’s why I’m asking, in the next election, for a strong mandate to go and negotiate this (that is to say: the patriation of federal powers in immigration) with the federal government. This is a matter of survival for our nation…”

In other words: either you give me 20 or 30 more deputies in the next election, allowing me to repatriate the powers in matters of immigration and thus, to ensure the survival of the Quebec nation.

Or Quebec will turn into Louisiana.

Nothing less.

When you make these kinds of predictions, you have to deliver the goods or you lose all credibility.

Can you imagine what Babe Ruth would have looked like if he had hit a single after his prediction? Or if the Cubs pitcher had taken it out?

Baseball fans would have ridiculed him until his death…


Several questions came to mind when I heard Mr. Legault.

1 What allows our PM to say that Justin Trudeau would agree to cede all powers in immigration to us if the CAQ government had twenty more deputies?

2 If the situation is so urgent, and if indeed the survival of the Quebec nation is in danger, why does Mr. Legault not use force and organize a sectoral referendum on the repatriation of all powers in matters of immigration?

In great evils, great means, right?

3 Finally, how does the current situation of the CAQ, which is in the majority and which sits at the top of the polls, prevent Mr. Legault from hitting a home run?


One of two things.

Or Mr. Legault uses the threat of the decline of the Quebec nation for strictly electoral purposes, which would be, let’s not be afraid of words, pathetic.

Or Mr. Legault is convinced that more seats would give him more power.

And if Justin still says no, Mr. Legault, despite your 100 deputies? What are you going to do ?

Crush you?

Make a Boubou?

Or will you have the courage to do the only thing that will ensure the survival of the Quebec nation?