Mélissa Lavergne, co-host of Belle et Bum, had been invited to assume the role of spokesperson for the Festival Nuits d’Afrique. Deeply imbued with African culture, she had accepted.

But a campaign has risen on social networks. She was accused of being white. If we take the words seriously, we will therefore say that she was the victim of a racist intimidation campaign.

On Twitter, activist Fabrice Vil wrote: “Why was she even chosen? Why did she accept? In other words, the mere thought of her was inconceivable, and her decision to accept was unacceptable.


Rather than resist this campaign of intimidation, she preferred to withdraw.

I quote it. “In light of all the discontent it arouses, I am obviously very sensitive to this and I verbalized to Nuits d’Afrique my decision to withdraw. I think it’s the right thing to do to honor that anger I’m hearing.”

But why honor an anger based on the rejection of a person because of the color of their skin? Why do we tolerate racism when it targets white people?

I quote her again: “It brings me to a reflection, how to take part in the conversation without it being offensive”.

It therefore accredits the idea that appointing a white person to this function was offensive. It would be interesting to ask Mélissa Laverge if she considers having been the victim of racism.


Despite claiming otherwise, Mélissa Lavergne practically apologized for taking the job, as if she made an error in judgment. Too often, artists who are victims of cancel culture bend the knee to their persecutors and seek to prove them right.


A person’s value should never be judged by the color of their skin.

Racism, whatever it is, is contrary to humanism.