Cannabis in France, it is 700 000 daily users, 5 million of French who have smoked in year 2016 and 17 million of people from 11 to 64 years who have experienced it at least once in ir life. According to French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT), not only does current level of cannabis use in France continue to be very high, but most importantly, it is increasing among teenagers: nearly a 17-year-old young person has already consumed Cannabis (47.8%), compared with four in ten (41.5%) in 2011. And for nearly one in ten youth (9.2%), this consumption reaches higher frequency levels than in past: at least ten catches in month (y were only 6.5% in this case in 2011).

For Prof. Amine Belle, head of addiction Department of Paul Bush hospital, in French Federation of Addiction, and co-author of how Alcohol destroys youth: responsibility of lobbying and policy (Hrsg.) (Albin Michel), “The statistics of OFDT also bring to light an even more disturbing trend: polyconsumption of adolescents, with almost automatic presence of alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and sometimes psychostimulants.” “Even if not all young people are affected by this polyconsumption, it is not anecdotal.”

The gram of resin sold in 1970 years has nothing to do with today’s. THC content increased from 2% to 3% per gram of grass to 10% to 15% on average today

Dr Jean-François Debeuf, addiction within liaison and care team in addiction (ELSA Territorial Finistère Sud)

Opinion shared by Dr Jean-François Debeuf, addiction in liaison and care team in addiction (ELSA Territorial Finistère Sud) and responsible for unit of tobacco, belonging to newly created public health centre Hospital of Quimper-Concarneau: Even gram of resin sold in years 1970 has nothing more to do with today’s. Indeed, THC content (Tetrahydrocannabinol, ed.), molecule responsible for main psychoactive effects of cannabis, increased from 2% to 3% per gram of grass to 10% to 15% on average today (30% for gram of cannabis resin and even more in Hemp oil). “Which makes cannabis addiction a lot quicker.” Conversely, in cannabis that is found on market, share of cannabidiol (CBD)-Anor naturally occurring substance-has continued to diminish. This imbalance between CBD and THC is caused by problems because CBD decreases negative psychological consequences of THC such as dependence, anxiety or psychosis. The less re are, more potentially dangerous product consumed.

The Figaro

Finally, motivations of those who experiment with cannabis have also changed: “In years 1970, it was mainly intellectual curiosity that drove to experiment with this drug,” says Prof. Belle. Today, besides fashion effect, cannabis is consumed to do like ors, sometimes for a festive purpose, but also often to manage stress, to find sleep, because it is easy to have ( traffic is very organized), because one feels alone , because it’s banned, etc. However, this cannabis used as “crutch” is one of which it is most difficult to take place, notes Dr. Debeuf.

For all se reasons, consumption of 15-24 years is most problematic. It is involved in maturation of brain, at an age when school acquisitions are important. According to a recent study in which Inserm participated, compared to non-cannabis users, early consumers have a higher likelihood of not exceeding baccalaureate level. Not so much because of risk of “bad trip”: The unique catch at origin of acoustical-verbal hallucinations with changes in perception of outside world that can go up to crisis of paranoia exists, but it is fortunately quite rare.

“Smoked, cannabis is as dangerous as throat and lung tobacco”

Dr. Debeuf

Apart from very real risk of accident due to loss of attention in case of occasional consumption, it is refore above all chronic consumption that is problematic. “Smoked, cannabis is as dangerous as throat and lung tobacco,” recalls Dr. Debeuf. It also plays on immunity, fertility, erection, on risk of occurrence of bladder cancer at a young age and, finally, on cerebral level, it causes memory disorders with a loss of motivation. As for risk of psychosis, it is very publicized but not so frequent. “However, more contact with drugs occurs at a young age and greater risk of developing one or more of se problems,” says Dr. Belle.

This is also why, when parents surprise ir teen smoking a joint, it is essential to start dialogue. But parents can turn to a professional, in young consumer consultations (CJC).