While our country has one of most repressive laws in world in face of cannabis, France is country in Europe with most consumers, especially among young people: 28% of 18-25 years-i.e. 35% of men and 21% of women in this TR Age Reed-are concerned. In spite of our repressive legislation which considers consumer to be perpetrator of a crime, cannabis is present in all social environments and it is very easy to obtain it all over territory. A fill for a prohibited product!

Without having been able to prevent spread of this drug, previously protected populations are no longer. “Today, re are more and more female consumers,” confirms Prof. Amine Belle (addiction service at Paul Bush Hospital in county of region). “While y are more vulnerable to its deleterious effects.” In young pregnant women, cannabis use increases risk of miscarriage and may lead to a school delay in child. Lastly, recently in Marseille, a pediatrician fired alarm at repetition of cases of infant poisoning by cannabis probably left to ir reach by consumer parents, which speaks volumes about availability of product and its Penetration into French homes. ‘

“To stop this inexorable increase in very lucrative traffic, perhaps it will also have to go through a change in legal framework in order to better control cannabis placed on market”

Dr Jean-François Debeuf, addiction within liaison and care team in addiction (Elsa, Brittany)

Since traffic explodes, since no repression policy could block it, furr solutions are to be found. For Dr. Jean-François Debeuf, addiction in liaison and care team in addiction (Elsa, Brittany), “priority must be given to link between caregivers and consumers.” To do so, repressive legislation applied to users should probably be reviewed and whole of drugs absorbed in order to provide a support to those who wish to do so.

For Prof. Belle, we must even go furr: to stop this inexorable increase in a very lucrative traffic, perhaps it will also have to go through a change of legal framework in order to better control cannabis placed on market. If decriminalisation of cannabis allows to limit consumption of youngest, to avoid arrival on market of cannabis too rich in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and especially to break traffic, this solution must be subject of discussion without taboo ‘ . There is an urgent need to draw on paying examples of our European neighbours, which are less repressive of consumers but more in relation to traffickers and, ultimately, more efficient. Finally, it should not be forgotten that parents of consumers and those who smoke mselves can benefit from support and care by specialized teams.