Recently, a couple of service guys from my husband’s company came to fix something in our home.

One of the fellows, whom I’ve met very infrequently, looked at me and said, “You look fabulous, did you lose weight?”

I didn’t thank him as I felt it was more a backhanded compliment. I actually said, “No, I’ve gained.”

I’m not a heavy woman (5’5”, 138 lbs.) and even if I had been, I didn’t think it appropriate for comment.

Perhaps it was a nervous remark as he was in his boss’s house.

I didn’t mention this episode to my husband as he’d ream the guy out and I didn’t want to cause trouble. I think the men are returning as work still needs to be finished.

Any suggestions if he comes out with another inappropriate observation?

Or, should I just accept that many peoples’ mouths are out of the gate before their brains are in the saddle?

You’re already good at knowing what to do — deflecting his ill-chosen “flattery” while kindly not causing him trouble.

But you raise a persistently annoying issue for many people — body weight — which, for individuals, is a personal matter that shouldn’t invite unsolicited opinions and judgments, but often does.

If he makes another remark, just say, “It’s not something I discuss.”

We put our son in detox after his seventh overdose. We did everything we could to keep him alive until the emergency medical team arrived.

I’d never before seen my husband of 32 years scream, cry and pray for help.

Our son went from detox into a long-term recovery program, all far from here, as we’d exhausted every program around us.

He was dismissed four weeks short of graduating, because he tested dirty.

He did some terrible things to us. We’ve forgiven him, but we cannot forget.

It’s a familiar story — he was at the top of his class, the football captain, the honour society, college scholarship recipient, etc.

Then, overdoses on heroin.

I’m still finding things missing from our home. But all the doctors and case workers say not to bring anything up from the past, which leaves nothing much to say but, “How are you son?”

He’s our only child. We now know the drug use started at 17, but we had no clue till he was 21.

Two weeks ago, he briefly said he’s living with some girl he met online but is clean and sober this week and still working.

Letting go has been most difficult after spending so much money, time and love to help him beat this.

We know he has to want to stay clean. He’s a grown man.

No one among us was abused, neglected or beaten; there was total support throughout his school years. Maybe we gave too much.

I’m glad he’s no longer here. No more drug dealers looking for him because he owes them money. But the feeling of loss is like death.

What can I say to him if we talk again?

We’ve let our family know, except Grandma, because it’d kill her. We want everyone to be prepared should he show up unannounced . . . as you cannot turn your back for even a second.

What can I say to him if we talk again?

Dear Readers: I’m reaching out, as there’s no single, sure answer. Some of you have experienced similarly heartbreaking circumstances with an addicted child.

If you’ve found any effective approaches to offer this couple — for their well-being, or their son’s chances of staying “clean,” I’ll publish a selection of them.

Tip of the day

Weight is not fair game for casual comments.



Devastated Parents

Devastated Parents

Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email or visit her website, Follow @ellieadvice.

Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email or visit her website, Follow @ellieadvice.

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