Knocked out from the first board in Koh Lanta 4 Land, Marie-France, as a book on his adventure in an interview for

Built-in to the team purple representing the region of North in Koh Lanta 4 Land, Marie-France has made the costs of the first council elimination of the season. With 5 votes against it, the saleswoman at the butcher shop 49-year-old is the first candidate to leave the adventure. Reached by phone, she agreed to answer our questions about his short adventure. It evokes in particular his lack of affinity with the Angelic, but also his words, that she now thinks too hard about the strategist Adrian.

You have any regrets to be a party so soon Koh Lanta ?

regret, not because I was the person that I was in Koh Lanta. It’s still a game. I already knew that if we lost the immunity challenge, it would be like that. For me, as I say in the episode, it was a logical question since we have seen Angelica and Lola, two small young-welded, and then the three men, we need to build the hut. Somewhere, as soon as we arrived, I said to myself, “Ah, the first board it is I who go out.” No luck ! I believed it until the end because during the test, it was not to pick it up, huh ! It was still in the first. Here it is, my elimination was a surprise without being an.

do you Think that your age was a determining factor in your elimination ?

I’m not going to say that this is specifically my age but I have a physical condition of a girl who does sport to keep his fifties, it is agreed. I’m not a top-level sporting. In Koh Lanta, the oldest are still in the line-of-sight. If I had had twenty years less, physique and other, perhaps I would have remained in the game. Perhaps I would have had more chances in any case.

There was a little tension between you and Angelique. What has happened in the past ?

In fact, it nothing happened in particular, it is not in dispute. Simply, no one has taken the time to get to know. The time is still quite short. Me, I put a lot of barriers to people. Angélique might be also. Lola and Fabrice came to see me immediately. There are just this little side that I was upset when we talked, she always answer “Yes, me too.” I found that it was a little tons. But it is his personality, I can’t blame him. It is simply the person with whom I had the least affinity. If I had heard with it, perhaps I would have voted against Fabrice because it was one of the oldest. I really worked by affinity.

Have you been surprised that the entire team vote against you at the council ?

no, not at all. We already talked a little bit between us. Adrien came to see me several times, saying to myself, “Wait, it is going to blow Angelic” and after he said to me, “Sorry, Fabrice, he wants more”. At one point, I said, “Make your life, do what you have to do, and basta.” I knew it was for me, at least a reversal of the situation. I can tell you that even if I had no watch, I have searched the immunity necklace for hours !

at the end of the episode, you target Adrien saying that this is the man to take down. Why ?

My words were perhaps a bit strong anyway. When Denis said that I’m upset about this, it has really put the finger on it because I’m not angry but I’m hurt. It is upsetting because we do not prepare Koh Lanta in fifteen days, it is a preparation months in advance. Have to understand that I had a little bit bad. When I say that this is the man to shoot down, in my opinion, I say, under vexation because Adrien is somebody really super nice. Me, I was in my game with my way to see him, he was in his game. His strategy, it’s his way to make his game.

With the remote, you will not want more ?

no, not at all. Great God, not at all !

what you think of your adventure in Koh Lanta ?