Our older puppy could benefit from some socialization. Some people have suggested going to a dog park. Others have expressed concerns, saying it might be harmful. Are dog parks a good idea for puppies or should we avoid them?

Dog parks certainly have the capacity to offer beneficial socialization experiences. However, asking if they are unilaterally good or bad is like asking if playgrounds are good or bad for children. Absolutely playgrounds are good, but only so long as the experiences are positive. Parks that tolerate bullying or lack parental supervision are no fun or good at all. The culture of the park matters.

Similarly, dog parks can offer positive experiences. Of course, the exercise has health benefits. Not all offer a joyful romp. Evaluate the local park carefully. Choose the park you attend with care.

First, visit the local parks without your dog. Observe the interactions between dogs. Chat with regular attendees. Get a sense of the culture.

Observe if the park has sufficient room to accommodate the number of dogs present. This may vary based on the day of the week or the time of day. Overcrowding can lead to fights. There should be sufficient room so that dogs can retreat to a quiet area for breaks. Play groups should be able to play without colliding.

Next, watch for the level of supervision present. Active supervision is required. Owners should be watching their dogs, not their cellphones.

Seek out a park with a supportive atmosphere. Responsible owners step in when play becomes overheated. Bullying, when one dog picks on another, is not OK. No one should be made to feel guilty for advocating for their pet. Suggesting that timid puppies “get over it” or that dogs should just “work it out,” during fights is not acceptable. Owners of dogs being bullied are well within their right to interfere.

Good play involves role reversals or taking of turns. All members are willing participants. Step in if your puppy’s signs of discomfort are being ignored by another dog.

Finally, remember that dog parks alone do not make for a socialized pet. Offer many varied experiences. Do take classes so your puppy learns to work and walk with you. Play is beneficial, but so is manners training.

Our dog is on a diet to lose weight. We are also trying to train her. I don’t think that treat training would help her weight loss. What can we use instead of treats?

The word “treat” conjures up images of junk food. While positive reinforcement uses plenty of food, it does not mean that junk or excess food is necessary. Dogs are not being trained with cupcakes.

Food, even treats, can be healthy. Owners can use a portion of their dog’s daily diet for training in low distraction environments. All animals on the planet work for food. Birds look for worms. Lions hunt antelope. People bring home the bacon. Working for food is about as natural as it gets.

Use the canned version of the pet’s food as a higher value option. Scoop some onto a wooden spoon. Give a little lick as a reward.

Choose healthy but delicious foods for training in difficult situations. Adjust portions as required. Consider using toys instead of food for teaching your dog to come when called.  

Food reinforcements should not lead to weight gain. Rather, excessive feeding combined with too little exercise is a legitimate problem. In many instances, using food to train can help weight-loss efforts. Owners who train with food inevitably pay very close attention to portion control, leading to better weight management.

Yvette Van Veen is an animal behaviour consultant and Canada’s 1st Tested and Certified PCT-A. Write her at advice@awesomedogs.ca

Yvette Van Veen is an animal behaviour consultant and Canada’s 1st Tested and Certified PCT-A. Write her at advice@awesomedogs.ca

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