The department of Bouches-du-Rhône, Marseille will they be confined to the weekend ? Elements of answers.

Contents Containment in the Bouches-du-Rhône Containment the weekend Containment on march 6, Containment in Marseille

[updated, march 2 at 18h39] The Bouches-du-Rhône and the city of Marseille are in suspension as explained by Jean Castex during his last press conference. The department, which has an incidence rate that is steadily progressing, are on the list of territories closely monitored by the ministry of Health. For the moment, if the rate doesn’t explode like in the Maritime Alps, the proximity with the region’s authorities are concerned about. A few days ago, the incidence rate of the department was 331 against a national rate of about 200. Beyond this simple, department Var, with an incidence rate of 329 also concerned.

containment in the Bouches-du-Rhône ?

The Bouches-du-Rhône begin the month of march with hospital services charge but numbers have stabilised. Public health France has exactly 1502 hospitalizations, of which 74 have occurred in the last 24 hours and 251 patients in the icu. But some of the indicators remain in the red, in particular, the occupancy rate of intensive care units, which reached 91,5%. The region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur beats a sad record with 104,6% occupancy. The spread of the variants is not reassuring either, with only 18% of cases of the virus in English in the end of January, the british strain now represents 53% of the contamination.

Admissions in the Bouches-du-Rhône

© Géodes A containment for the weekend ?

It is very clear to the Prime minister, in the departments on alert where the situation is deteriorating, what are the reconfinements local the weekend which are considered, in addition to further measures. If the decision is not yet taken, the mayor of Marseille Benedict Payan has expressed his reluctance against the containment at the weekend in an interview in the JDD. “After the curfew, the weekends confined, until where will go to in this policy mithridatisation of the social body ? if it is asked before expressing his concern : “The health situation is extremely tense in Marseille. Since a week, the number of hospitalizations and admissions to intensive care units is on the rise again. Thanks to the wastewater monitoring developed by the battalion of the marine brigade of Marseille, we know that the situation in viral to the building near and the day-to-day, and we know as well how will evolve the epidemic with an advance of ten to fifteen days. Gold there is a marked rise in the presence of the virus in the wastewater (…) What I’m interested in, it is all about efficiency. Today, we immunize approximately 3,000 people per week. A little less than 30% of 80 000 Marseille over 75 years of age have been vaccinated, and 40 % of the more than 80 years. However, the incidence rate decreased significantly in more than 80 years. It means that the vaccine works. To defeat the virus, there is only one solution : the vaccination and the shelter of the most fragile.”

containment on the 6th of march ?

containment measures the local, if they are confirmed in the Bouches-du-Rhône, need to be implemented very quickly. Jean Castex has hammered that they would be in place “as soon as the weekend of march 6,” without giving any precision about the beginning of the new restrictions. It is likely that they began, in reality, the Friday, march 5 in the evening.

containment ultra-targeted, Marseille, and the coastline covered ?